Thanks to Mário - The chosen from heaven

Every person in the world is unique. Each of us could write a book about what we experienced in our lifetime, what strange happened to us, and we didn't understand why...But only The chosen can answer many unexplained events in our lives. For us, ordinary mortals, the healing with energy given from heaven is inconceivable. But once we experience it, we will fully feel the power of energy.
I am from Slovakia, from Košice. I have visited the Pyramid, which Mario built on his own. When I first entered into this heavenly beauty, I felt a special peace in my soul. My eyes couldn't get off the beauty of the minerals and chakra depictions. I had a health problem, I broke my collarbone, and I was hospitalized. I immediately sent a text message to Mário from the hospital. He was right next to me, taking my pain. He was with me during surgery. Doctors and nurses were surprised that I didn't need any medication. But Mário warned me, that something went wrong during the operation and there would be some problem with my shoulder. He was right, I couldn't raise my hand properly and didn't have the strength in it either. We agreed with Mário that I would visit him again. Mário lit candles, and I lay down on the couch. He overlaid me with stones and relaxing music was playing. I can't describe what I felt. During that, I felt a huge pain at first, but then it finally left. But I didn't feel any improvement for two days. Eventually, my hand began to relax. I felt both strength and mobility. In another situation, where I asked him for help, was when my daughter was giving two births. Just before giving birth I wrote him an SMS and Mário joined the daughter and the baby. The first granddaughter, 2.5 years ago, had a cord wrapped around her neck. Mário helped her with first breath. As well he helped her with atopic eczema. Everything is fine today. During second childbirth of my granddaughter, he was again with us. He took a lot of pain from my daughter and everything was fine. Many thanks to him. My father died this year. Mario was with him last months and days. Mario helped me with request for him to not die in the hospital, but at home, where he could say goodbye to his family and the house he built himself. Mario is still with me and my beloved ones. In times when we pray to God and ask for help. We have his paintings at home and the Angels of love, that we still carry. They help us daily with the power they emit. They attract good, and drive away evil. I love them, and I believe in the healing power of Mário which he received from the God. He is simply The chosen.

Alžbeta E.

I would like to thank Mário so much for his healing and therapeutic skills. My wife and I first met Mário at his lovely shop/clinic in Las Palmas in January 2020 while we were on a two week holiday from the UK. He has helped me by clearing my blocked chakras enabling me to better cope with my problems and the challenges of caring for my 94 yr old mother who had Alzheimer's Disease and who was in a nursing home near where we live. On 30th July my mother passed away very peacefully and painlessly after living with her condition for over six years. Her favourite nurse was holding her hand when she passed away like a leaf just gently falling from the tree. She never had any pain and remained happy and content until she fell asleep for the last time. I am so very grateful to Mário for all the distant healing and cleansing work he has done for my mother, and for me. It has been truly remarkable. I shall continue to remain in contact with him. I look forward to being able to see him once travel restrictions permit. The pendant he made specially for me is very beautiful and gives me strength and peace. Also my wife, brother and best friend have also benefited from the healing and cleansing energy. 

Oliver H. 

My first meeting with Mário was to help my son and at that time, I had no idea how he would help me and my daughter. She was the one that introduced me to Mário. I will return to the first meeting where Mário explained to us how chakras work in our body, about energy and how we hurt ourselves with our behavior. Even then I felt the power of his energy, though I still didn't understand what was going on. Our visits have become regular because of the son. Gradually, I realized that our lives were changing for the better, family relationships were very complicated, but they changed for the better. I will say only that much, it's a sensitive subject and I will keep the details for myself and Mário. I will share with you a specific health issue that affected me personally. I got a severe kidney inflammation. The left side was affected, ultrasound examination from urology showed a strong swelling of the left kidney. The doctor insisted on hospitalization, which I refused, so she prescribed me heavy medication, saying that until the next check-up / about 10 days / I should be on strict bed rest. I picked up the drugs from the pharmacy. I was in terrible pain, who has been in this situation knows what I'm talking about. That's when my cell phone rang, Mário called me to come to him immediately to help me. I admit I was a little skeptical, after all, swelling, inflammation, as if he could help.......and surprised how he knew, but that was explained immediately- my daughter called him. So I went straight to the Sanctuary. Mário did what he had to, he banned me from medication prescribed by the doctor and he gave me instructions. I admit, I was a little worried and said nothing to anyone at home, but I followed everything as he commanded me. Even as I was leaving Mário the pain was much smaller, after 2 days I went to work and worked. I note- without drugs. 10 days later, I went for the check-up for urology, the doctor repeated the ultrasound. The kidney was okay, the results of the urine examination too. It was incredible for me. It confirmed in me the belief in Mário's abilities to 100%. I never doubt his strength, the energy that he gives us with love and helps us. I asked him to make angels for all three of us and we wear them all the time. I have 3 of them, I couldn't resist since they are beautiful and full of love and energy. Before he left Slovakia, I asked him to paint a picture to hang in the living room and it is really beautiful, it radiates Mário's energy and love. Thank you Mário, with love and admiration.

Ľudka K.

I want to thank the wonderful man- healer Mário Kučera, whom I got to meet this summer thanks to my friend, who arranged for me a meeting with him at his sanctuary in Košice. In a place, where the time stopped and the magical atmosphere breathed on me from all sides. It's impossible to describe so much beauty in one sentence, you really need to see it. The fact that we met was not a coincidence, because coincidences do not actually exist. It was supposed to happen. And the master confirmed this to me. He knew I was coming, his soul told him about me. It was a wonderful meeting, full of emotions, I will never forget it. I didn't believe my ears when he was talking about me, and he was talking with a mouth of angels. He discovered my weaknesses before I even told him about them. Last year I overcame cytomegalovirus mononucleosis, a weakened organism, loss of immunity at the cellular level. In addition, allergies and asthma, indigestion, stomach pains, inability to regurarly excrete and advanced hemorrhoids. Well, there was really a lot of it. It took more than an hour, for us to go through it all. He helped me right on the spot, opened all the blocked chakras that were causing me problems even on a mental level. He cleansed me from negative energies, connected my body to light and love, increased the frequency of my body, advised me how to continue living, so that difficulties will return as little as possible. But that wasn't the end of it. Two angels got into my hands, to which I couldn't say goodbye. Today they are an integral part of me, they help me and charge me with heavenly energy. After leaving, I felt like I completely changed, but it didn't take long for the difficulties to appear in even higher intensity. Mário, who has meanwhile returned from Slovakia to Spain, is working every day on my cleansing, sending me light and love. The sleepless nights are slowly receding, he recommended me detox and then urine therapy. For the second month already, I'm not taking any medication for allergies, asthma or immune boost. In the meantime, I underwent a planned check-up at an immunologist, taking a blood sample after half a year to evaluate the treatment she had prescribed. I didn't tell her that I had stopped taking all the medications. The results really surprised me. Elevated ASLO values ​​and all values ​​that previously indicated weakened cellular immunity dropped to almost the recommended value. And this is not a coincidence. I owe the improvement of my health not only to my patience, but especially to the support of my angelic healer. And one more very important information for those, who haven't yet decided to use his miraculous healing abilities. I had an accident at the beginning of September, I accidentally fell into a well. Only the upper edge of the ring caught me before the free fall. Fortunately, I didn't break anything, I didn't even admit to internal bleeding. But the impact was so strong that I hit the ribs and all the internal organs. That evening, I wrote to Mário, asking him for help to remove the excruciating pain that didn't let me sleep for a couple of days. He didn't hesitate even for a minute, immediately sendind me energy. And not even one day and one night, the pain gradually subsided. Not a single bruise appeared on my wounded body. 2 weeks passed and I was able to get on the bike, and start exercising without restrictions. We continue my treatment and I believe that he will help me fix everything that was wrong. Actually, it's slowly happening. And I thank him again for that. I'm thankful for his time and energy, patience and love, that he sends me every day. I'm thankful to him for being here for me, and for those who need him...
 With love in ❤, Iveta

Iveta V.

Thanks to Mário. Due to an upset that I had, my body became blocked and for a long time I was in pain every day for about a year. Until one day I saw an ad and what caught my attention was that he sold pendants. Since I always liked quartz and I saw that it was lit up and that it formed an angel, well, I decided to stop by the store, and it was open. That day I miss a lot, and as we arrived he welcomed us very well. With his hands he was passing from distance over the body and the next day I felt a little less pain. He said why it was happening to me and I even calmed down, I began to find little by little improvement in all pain, my body only left a little pain in a right arm, and right leg. I don't have any more headaches, nor do I have nausea. I no longer have to use any medication because due to so much medication I gained a lot of weight, and I no longer feel anguish, nor do I get nervous. Before, I was crying because I didn't understand why I was paralyzed in that way and in constant pain, without any cost. And I sent other people to him to help them, as he did with me and with other people. Besides, his treatment is phenomenal, he treats you with a lot of love and expresses and transmits that feeling, that then one comes home and feels relaxed, at peace, and calm. This is my testimony. I recommend him 100 from 100. 
 Thank you Mário


Dear Mário.
 I met Mário at a point in my life, where I was suffering and I am sure that there was no coincidence that we met at that certain moment, and at that place in the world. My intuition has been kept telling me to go back to Canary Island after I left it 6 years ago, but the timing was never right, or something kept on getting in the way for me, from being able to go back. When I finally went back to Las Palmas, just 5 days before the Corona quarantine, I was thinking, REALLY this is why I came back here, to suffer inside a room. During these months, I was suffering from lack of self love, past hurts from my childhood due to my parents divorce, repressed emotions and addictions. When things started opening up again, I was passing Mário's shop every day for 1 month or so, without even noticing it. I planned to go back to Norway, but they kept on canceling my flight. Then one beautiful day, when I became a bit more aware of my thoughts and actions, things changed suddenly. My flight got confirmed and I was suddenly standing in front of Mário's beautiful enlightned shop, one week before I was about to leave the island. I couldn't believe how I haven't seen it, passing it every day for a long time. This time I was drawn to go inside and felt all the loving energy from both him and the angels there. The first meeting was unreal. Difficult to explain with words, the healing he gave me, his presence and his deep insight and wisdom. After the first healing I could feel he had taken away deep rooted pain and stuck emotions. That was just the beginning. He told me to come back, and that I would experience some discomfort for a couple of days. Second healing was even deeper. He even made a handmade crystal angel made of love and light for my proteccion. I was starting to feel more and more connected to myself and to Mário and God and the universe. The third meeting with Mário was so powerful that I couldn't believe it was happening to me. I started crying of relief, Mário was holding and comforting me, my whole body starting shaking from his healing energy, I fell on the floor, continously shaking, Mário lifted me up on the chair and the shaking continued, and I fell down again. He had open all of my chakras and the kundalini shakti had arisen in my energy centers. It was like being reborn, refreshed and feeling deep connected, trust and self love. I am forever grateful to have get to know Mário, for everything he has given, offered and taught me. I feel he is like my familiy and he is the only one so far in my life, that has showed me unconditional love. He is definetly an angel in human form.
Love, David.

David B.

Mário is an amazing healer, who was sent to me by the angels themselves at a time when I needed his help the most, and I would hardly do without his help. At that time, my close ones in the family had a serious car accident. Mário helped them a lot with the recovery and healing of the consequences of the car accident. I wasn't at my best at that time either, the overall stress and strain from the whole situation was slowly affecting my health. However, Mário repeatedly cleansed and balanced my chakras from a distance, explained to me the reason of my problems, and sent me energy always when I needed it. I didn't know yet that I would soon need his help again. During a massage, I unexpectedly suffered a relatively serious injury, probably a prolapsed disc. Of course, I started to go crazy, and with such a serious injury, I wanted to go to the doctor for an examination. However, Mário calmed me down, and at night he made an operation with the help of angels. Gradually, my condition really started to improve, and day after day the pain and restraints in my back were disappearing, until one day I found out that they had disappeared completely. I was very happy that I didn't go to the doctor in the end, considering that such an injury is often treated with a classic operation. Due to the difficult situation in 2020 and also at the beginning of 2021, I sometimes have weak moments when the weight of the situation falls on me, but Mário always helps me in that case, sends me energy, cleanses me energetically with the help of angels, and I immediately feel much better. Mário always helps very willingly and selflessly, he is patient, kind, he never refuses to help, even though he is very busy helping other clients as well. Me and my whole family have little angels and we feel that they protect us, you can feel some kind of beautiful energy from them, high vibration, I don't know how to describe it... I am very grateful to Mário for everything, and I am also very grateful to the angels for bringing me to Mário...

Andrea S.

The doctors failed my esophageal surgery. They narrowed it so much that I couldn't eat fruit, raw vegetables, pasta or legumes. Even the little I could eat got stuck in my esophagus and I vomited almost every day. This suffering lasted 12 years. Then a gift from Heaven came into my life. The greatest grace in a loving person named Mário. He removed the consequences of the operation, so today I can eat normally without any restraints. He also fixed my cervical spine, which had bothered me and limited my life for many years. But the greatest balm for the soul is that Mário helps me change my bad character and my consciousness. My old destructive patterns and habits that made my life uncomfortable. He helped fill my hardened heart with love and light. He helped me find my inner peace and happiness and filled my life with vitality and joy. I gained a new zest for life and Mário's tender and kind care. His humility and respect are inspiring. Mário is an angel with divine qualities who constantly supports and strengthens me. I always carry his energy, light, love and protection with me in an angel made of minerals, which is not only a beautiful jewel that adorns my neck, but is mainly my protector, which gives me strength and a sense of security that Mário, Angels and the Creator are still with me. No words can express the gratitude I feel for what Mario was able to give me through God's energy.
 From the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything 🙏 


WE ALL NEED HEALING! We all need someone who can show us the blind spots and give us just that one word, phrase, touch or explanation we need. But also to be inspired. We all need each other to experience life, heal and grow. In nice and less pleasant ways. Nothing is a coincidence, not even the people who come your way. Like this meeting that Elijah Akasha and I had in Gran Canaria with artist and healer Mário Kučera. We were perfectly aware that we were being led to this place. We recognized a number of synchronicities. That's how we ended up in his shop where special works of art hung on the wall with crystals incorporated in them. There were also beautiful handmade crystal pendants. I immediately felt and saw that this is someone who is in good contact with the higher and can be guided. In his shop and work you can see high frequencies that he is allowed to pass on to the world. We were greeted kindly and we were offered a free chakra healing. We became quite overwhelmed and wanted to come back later, to feel if this was the intention. The ego started to interfere for a while. Later when we went to rest, we couldn't let go and we looked at his website. And wow, then we knew that this was a special man we would like to receive this healing from and that this was exactly the intention. The day after we went back and surrendered. I felt a powerful energy. Energetically I felt exactly which chakra he was working on. He also opened our chakras that were blocked. After the healing we were told which blockages there were and we received appropriate advice. Then we had Mário design a pendant with crystals/minerals that he tailored to us. With frequencies that help us to stay in our strength, love and protection. He is also guided by the divine during making this beautiful work of art. A process has been set in motion to grow even more in life from healing, connection, love and light. This was allowed to happen at the right time for which I am very grateful!

 Are you going to Gran Canaria or you know someone there, go there or send someone to visit them for healing and protection (minerals).

Deniz E.

About a week ago, Deniz Ebren and me were very blessed to meet a few beautiful beings, who are bringing so much healing, love, light, help and protection on Gran Canaria at this very moment. We came across this amazing store full of minerals, and high frequency artwork. Here we met Mário Kučera, an old soul from Atlantis. A very gifted healer and a holder of cosmic energy. There was a very warm hearted welcome. We were invated for a free chakra healing where Mário and his team take all the time. They even temporarily closed the shop for it. In this powerful healing Mário opened our blocked chakras. Afterwards we had a diagnostic explanation, and many useful information. He made us a beautiful personalised angelic pendants from minerals for protection, healing, stability and support to have more love in life. Perfectly adjusted on our own personal energy. I feel very blessed to meet Mário and his amazing team. Definitely no coincidence, like there is only Divine timing. But meetings with high frequencies of love like this are always deeply heart touching. I gained much more knowledge and insights about my chakras, blockage, and in general.

 You can follow his facebook page if you feel like it. There is also offered free distance healing for those who are in need.

Elijah A.

After the first meeting with Mário Kučera, miraculous things happened. My son had a very severe car accident 5 years ago, which he miraculously survived. Lungs pierced with ribs, a severe concussion, a bruised brain, a broken clavicle and two deep wounds in his head, leaving two clots on his brain. He went to CT regularly every year, but the clots were still there. But two weeks after he visited Mário, he had a term to meet a neurologist in Bratislava, and the doctor didn't find a single clot there. Everything was absorbed, cured. The doctor herself couldn't understand how it was possible. She had never seen anything like this in her career. We are very happy that he keeps recovering his short-term memory, and it's getting better and better. Also son's girlfriend, who was there too, feels great and healthy. And I'm also very happy for my treatment of cancer. When I visited Mário for the second time, I bought a pendant and a painting, which I have always by my side. It radiates God's energy and I haven't put the pendant down since then. Mário Kučera has done a miracle with his God's energy. Me and my family are very thankful to him with all our hearts.


Mário, our friend, has been helping us with every health problem for several years. He is willing to help, at first glance, even with a trivial problem, and not only to us, but also to our families. We admire his abilities, what he has lived through in life, what he overcame, what he has built and fought out. He persevered in pursuing his goal, and with the help of angels, built a shrine where he regularly fill us with energy and heals us. It is a miracle to have such support close to us in these difficult times, a great healer who is ready to help everyone at any time, without thinking about any remuneration. That's why we wanted and were pleased to buy healing paintings and pendants, which we are always wearing. He cured the prostate of our fathers, he is helping one mother regularly from a distance to get rid of cervical spine pain, and the other mother with a heart valve. He has been healing niece's eyesight since she was born. He opened the chakras to us and our children. Spiritually, he explained to us how not to block them, how to manage emotions, how to live in the present and not allow fear to control us. He helps us to grow spiritually, and to look at the world properly with love and humility. With his help, we know that we are on the right path. Thank you, we are grateful to you for everything, and we wish you infinite love and energy to help.

Michal D.
Diana M.

I first visited Mário 2 years ago. I felt very bad and my life, both personal and work life, were on the edge of collapse. It was a time when I didn't care about anything anymore, and only my daughter kept me alive. First meeting with Mário enlightened me. It was incredible. It's very difficult to describe it in words, but immediately when coming to the sanctuary, one feels strength, peace, love and a tremendous amount of energy. I learned what chakras and angels are, and how they help us in our lives. I felt their power and how they helped me. He helped me physically and mentally. He changed my view of life, and also of what is happening around us every day. I still visit him and after my experience, he was visited by both my parents, whom he also helped a lot. He deserves a big thank you from me, especially for my daughter, whom he helped a lot. We struggled with the doctors for years, but only Mário helped her. He helped her in the sanctuary and also from a distance, and what he accomplished is a real miracle for which I thank him wholeheartedly, and I will be grateful for the rest of my life. He is a man with a big heart who will always help everyone. I have to write that right after the first meeting, I had Mário to create me an angel that I wear every day. My daughter also has hers, created just for her and her needs. Later I bought paintings, which we have in every room of our flat. Their power can be felt everywhere and always.

Veronika B. 

I met Mário through my daughter, whom he helped with her spine. From the first phone call, I knew he was a master of his craft. His pleasant voice assured me that where there is a will, there is a way. And the situations I went through like through a hairy blanket, suddenly went as if on their own and with ease. Since then, I feel a 100% improvement in my groping around in the same problems and health problems. Because every disease and difficulty is a manifestation of soul pain. And Mário is healing from the core. He doesn't only cure a physically visible manifestation. He taught me to understand and prevent it, and explained to me everything with love. And even though some situations came back in the form of a test, he always stood by me. He helped me to look diametrically differently at the world. I feel a great improvement in relationships, digestion, swelling. We dealt with insomnia, sadness, fears, emotional overeating, stress. I lost almost 4 kg in a week. I found peace in my soul. And last but not least, he helps me in my personal spiritual development as a loving teacher. And he is not just a teacher to me, but as a brother to whom I can turn to anytime and with anything. And my opinion? Mário's healing sessions should be the first to be prescribed by doctors. I can't explain with words the thankfulness for his help. Thanks to him, I am smiling today.

Viera S. 

From the depth of my soul and sincerely from the bottom of my heart, I want to thank the angels, the universe and God, for sending me and leading me to this miraculous man named Mário, called Artšamag. Mário is a loving, wonderful, charismatic man, with a huge gift and heart to help and heal those who really need it. If you sincerely with love ask the angels, they will show you the way and direct you in the right direction where to go, as it was also in my case, when I came across Mário during one night. This man helped me incredibly and was able to do what no one else in this world could. He helped me get rid of everything unnecessary that hurt me, and thanks to Mário, I feel like I am the happy, loving and positive person once again. If you have any problems, pains or fears, I definitely recommend you to visit or contact Mário, because he is a person who will never turn back on you, will never reject you, and always, really ALWAYS, willingly and most importantly SELFLESSLY and with love, will help you with everything, if you ask him to. This way, Mário, I would like to thank you once again for everything, and for always helping me from a distance.

Michaela L.  

I asked Mr. Healer to cure our pet, dog Labrador. He is OUR BEAUTIFUL DEAR family member, he is 11 years old and has many diagnoses, from allergies, thyroid, diabetes, and even liver tests, bad ECHO, he became blind, and he even stopped hearing. I wrote to Mário at "the last minute of the 12th", and the diagnosis was: a badly treated dog, and that the dog should be quickly taken to another doctor. That surprised me, because that's how I felt it too. Since I was a child, I've believed in miracles, in spirituality and healing. We visited a vet again and surprisingly, the diagnosis sounded good...that the dog, with all he went through, it's actually a miracle that he lives, and that he still can be helped...he said that if the immunity is strengthened, the allergy and thyroid gland will be cured. The dog recovered...yes, recovered, because Healer Mário sends energy with love. We are grateful, the healing begins, and the dog is also grateful, very grateful. We are happy, the tears of happiness are running down from mine and husband's face.

Boďa L.

On my vacation in Gran Canaria, I have found a very powerful healer and he gave me a chakra reading for free. He not has only a sanctuary in Slovakia, which serves people to heal, but also creates beautiful art in his shop in Las Palmas. I found amazing essential oils, which help me stimulate my energy during the day, but he also created a specific necklace with all the mineral stones which are needed for supporting my chakras. I am so grateful and happy for the experience and couldn't have wished for a better connection during my holidays! Thanks so much to David Blomdal for connecting us, supporting him so much. And thank you Artšamag for being such a light in the world! The wisdom you have is incredible and the experience you share with others is amazing.

Maximiliane D. 

I would like to thank and recommend a beautiful person with a big heart, Mário, who helped me to get rid of long-term anxiety depression and antidepressants too. My life turned 180 degrees and I got another chance to live a normal life.
I would also like to thank for helping my mother who is being treated for Alzheimer's disease, Mário is helping her in an incredible way. It is unbelievable, but who doesn't experience it,  will not believe. I'm glad I met Mário, and therefore I recommend him to anyone who has a health problem. Don't be afraid to contact him. He is very pleasant and flexible. I will be grateful forever...Thank you for your being and for your help.

Romana S.

I met Mário at work. At first I didn't believe in his abilities so much, but I had a brother who needed help, so I sent him to Mário. When my brother told me he really felt better, I visited Mário too. He helped me every time I wrote and needed energy because of any pain, cough or illness. I am grateful to him for everytime he helped me and also my loved ones. Thank you, Mário. 

Danka K.

During the most difficult moments of my life, Mário came.
I had very big health problems and I had strong inflammations in my body that repeated. The doctors couldn't help me. Mário unlocked my chakras, and helped me understand my life. He explained to me why these things were happening.
All angels sent him into my life. They knew why they were doing it. He saved my life. I feel better today, but Mário is still helping me. I am grateful to him. 
Angel from Slovakia

Nikola S.


During hard times in my life, i visited Mario. He is amazing and miracle man. He changed my life from the base. After one session I felt more better and my life seemed to be brighter and more happier. He helped me in so many ways. With physical and mental health. He tried to do something like an operation and it was successful. Open chakras mean more for your balanced life than you can image. Thank you so much for everything. 

MUDr. Martina M.

Thank you for my daughter. She was so exhausted from the preparation of her thesis. She was vomiting and her head was spinning. She was afraid she woudn't be able to even come to the faculty. After asking Mário Kučera, she could do everything in the evening. He sent 2x energy and she didn't believe it passed after that. Mário Kučera. Thank you is a small word.

Magdaléna S.

I met the unique spiritual person Artšamag.
His abilities are a gift from the God.
I can thank him for his help, which has rid me of a lot of health problems and ovarian cysts.

Vlasta G.

I visited Mário, because I was in a difficult life situation and also I had health problems. I am very grateful to him for his help, he is a man with a big heart. He cleansed my chakras and relieved me of pain. He changed my life for the better and taught me what self-love is.

Janka Š.