Current Artšamago's works to help people with mRNA
Artšamag's artworks
● Artšamag's artworks embody light and love; they serve as helpful
protectors with a profound impact on our etheric body. These creations are
spiritual beings with their own soul, love, and purpose, carrying symbols and
guiding the path of our lives. They are bearers of light and love aimed at healing
this planet. Acting as antennas, they establish a direct connection with cosmic
They play a significant role in self-awareness and discovering one's true self.These artworks have the power to guide you through life
and elevate the frequency of your Being by helping you overcome and fulfill
the challenges of this life. They pave the way to the thresholds of a higher
The Power of Consciousness
Artwork: The Power of Consciousness
Dimensions: 127x62x15 cm (50x24.4x5.9 inches)
Weight: 5.6 kg (12 lb 5.534 oz)

of the artwork "The Power of Consciousness":
This artwork is a bearer of cosmic energy—pranaand unconditional love, designed
to elevate the frequency of Being.[1]
[1] The artwork is a gift from Artšamag for supporting the light and his center for healing people and souls from mRNA.
Power of Consciousness embodies the energyof creation, born
with the help of angels of light and the architects of the universe. Its golden
center soothes the soul, just like all Artšamag's works, which are vessels of
prana—the universal energy.
Effects of the artwork: It increases the frequency of Being and replenishes
you with energy—prana.
It radiates unconditional love into the space, harmonizes the environment, guides souls into the light, and eliminates negative energies—entities. It reduces the harmful effects of pathogenic zones, cleanses and adjusts your etheric body, and harmonizes chakras through the color spectrum of chakras, supported by the spiritual being of the mineral Selenite. Additionally, it removes parasites and has antibacterial and fungicidal properties, thanks to UV light with a frequency of 184 nm (ozone) and 254 nm (sterilization).
It serves as a portal to the universe and the field of consciousness, embodying unconditional love.
This artwork offers regenerative and relaxing harmonization of the body and spirit with the field of consciousness, where millions of guides direct us and provide shapes that facilitate and manifest our intentions and the path of our soul—our Being. It is suitable for meditation, astral travel, rest, vitality, libido, and receiving information. Its orientation is aligned with the third eye.

Selenite harmonizes the environment through its subtle energy, transferring its vibrations to the surroundings while simultaneously absorbing energy. It is connected to a source of purification and environmental harmony.
Tourmaline absorbs negative energy, enhances protection against psychological attacks and negative forces, and eliminates these energies within the artwork's space.
With the support of the spiritual journey provided by celestine—a highly spiritual mineral linked to the field of consciousness—it channels information, intuition, and visualization into the third eye, offering guidance and clarity on the right path.
Amethyst crystal eliminates electromagnetic smog, helps overcome addictions, and connects us to the universe through the crown chakra.
Citrine brings energy, happiness, peace, and improved digestion. It harmonizes the soul and ego in the solar plexus. The ego constantly creates unrest and a lack of fulfillment in life, instilling fear. Support for the soul calms the mind, fosters harmony, improves digestion, and helps release all fears.
The tachyon crystal, shaped like a heart, refracts light into a rainbow spectrum to support the chakras. Its symbolism lies in love, peace, and harmony. What we give is what we receive. Unconditional love is the foundation of our Being. Having nothing, knowing nothing, and wanting nothing is the path to understanding why we are here: to help, support, love, and raise the frequency of Being. What we are, we emit, and what we attract is our mirror.
The angel's head, made of crystal, symbolizes purity. In this case, it serves as an amplifier programmed with consciousness and assistance for the etheric body and soul, embedded by Artšamag.
The back of the angel is adorned with mica wings, symbolizing fragility and reflection, capable of repelling negative entities.
The artwork strongly supports the third eye. A small planet to the angel's left, made of Lapis Lazuli, has the ability to clear thoughts, minimize the battle between soul and ego, and foster spiritual growth in consciousness. This, in turn, conserves our energy field and raises the frequency of Being.
In the top left corner of the artwork, an amethyst planet establishes a connection between the field of consciousness and the crown chakras of those present near the artwork.

The small selenite angel in the top left corner, made from a titanium-coated crystal cluster, symbolizes the light that helps us grow through spiritual assistance. Its right wing is made of distene—a flash of spiritual light.

Below the selenite angel is a distene cluster, which has self-cleaning properties. It can transform negative energy into positive energy and keeps our etheric body in harmony based on the third eye and throat chakra, which are responsible for immunity and hormones. It is a powerful protector of our etheric body.

In the bottom left corner is a tiger's eye planet, which serves the purpose of providing high protection and energetic support to the helping navel chakra, while also balancing the solar plexus. It creates equilibrium and an energy field, symbolized by the galaxy.
Angel of Love

The Angel of Love is made of rose quartz, peridot, amethyst fan-shaped wings, selenite, crystal, amethyst, grape chalcedony, green fluorite, garnet, pink tourmaline, and vanadinite.
Rose quartz is a powerful protector of harmony and negative attacks. It radiates love and light, which, when looked at, soothes attacks and negative actions. It is a symbol of love, supporting the heart chakra, and the ability to love from the core of pure love. It also supports the sacral chakra for harmonizing relationships and romance.
Peridot, a small mineral, supports the heart chakra. Its main purpose is to help us forgive the harm done by a loved one. Peridot is a semi-precious stone that teaches us the gentleness of feelings, love, and understanding toward others, while also fostering self-understanding. It is a mineral of self-love.
It helps us learn to say no, forgive, and let go of the past.
Amethyst fan-shaped wings symbolize the lightness of connection, providing help for our etheric body. Their purity and form influence our etheric body to be guided by the spiritual path. These wings are illuminated by UV light at a frequency of 184nm—ozone and 254nm—sterilization, along with a magnetic field. In today's world, this is essential for cleansing the air and environment from nanoparasites. This wing complex, supported by UV light, radiates spiritual light, cleansing the environment of entities and negative energies. It also facilitates breathing, creating a sense of freshness, harmony, and inner peace, radiating love.
Grape chalcedony—its gentle energy calms the mind and emotions. It is an ideal helper in stress, tension, and difficult or depressive situations. It teaches us to take life as it comes and, most importantly, not to fall into despair.
Green fluorite is linked to the heart chakra. Fluorite grounds absorbs spiritual energy. Thanks to its influence, you will become more sensitive to the higher spiritual reality and may even experience faster spiritual awakening. It eliminates parasites.
The angel brings us garnet, which symbolizes the source of energy, as it has the ability to increase the energy field. This mineral acts on our aura and can purify the blood. It is connected with the root chakra, helping us realize the connection and balance between the root and crown chakras. It teaches us not to be afraid, strengthens us in our actions, and reveals our weaknesses. Its deep red color is a balm for the soul. Garnet purifies the blood and detaches us from indulgence, toxins, and alcohol. It strengthens the spirit and vitality. Interestingly, it reveals the true character of a person when they carry it with them. It regenerates DNA and maintains a strong spine, teaching us to stand firm on the ground and make firm decisions.
Pink tourmaline is focused on the heart chakra. All tourmalines have a high ability to heal the physical and etheric body. This one is focused on the heart, lungs, and soul. It softens our behavior by supporting us in love.
Vanadinite supports the sacral chakra, sexuality, and reproduction. Its color, appearance, and effectiveness symbolize relationships, boundaries, reproduction, and union. Its etheric radiation is set for action, courage, and decision-making.

Orthoceras extends an individual's lifespan by reducing toxins, stress, and anxiety. In its presence, telepathy and mental stimulation improve. This fossil helps alleviate fatigue, exhaustion, low energy, digestive disorders, and rheumatism. It also acts as a point of defense against curses, hexes, black magic, and negative influences.
On the right side is an angel, bearing the seal of Artšamag's originality, which confirms the authenticity and energy source—connection to prana and the universe for this artwork.

The selenite heart symbolizes the love brought by Artšamag in the form of support, energy, and spiritual growth. The tourmaline pyramid symbolizes energy, prana, and tachyon.
The titanized crystal is a bearer of information and energy amplification—prana—that symbolizes eternal courage, the ability to never give up, and always stand firm in one's goals. Its strength signifies that it is unbreakable. The reflection of the titanized crystal emits a spectrum of colors that influence the etheric body and chakras—rainbow colors—the color spectrum of the chakras.

The citrine wing
supports the influx of energy.
Obsidian, with its sharpness and reflection, creates absolute protection
against negative energies, teaches us to forgive, purifies the root chakra, and
creates an aura of protection.
The spiritual consciousness of aventurine, supported by the heart chakra
and the masculine self, is meant to support love.
The last angel, found close to the seal, is made from minerals:
Mica, rose quartz, crystal, amethyst, chalcedony, citrine, and labradorite.
The angel wears magnets around its neck, which attract heavy metals and purify
the air with the support of UV light.

Chrysoprase creates a feeling that we are part of a higher divine whole, connected with the universe. It aids in meditation, brings love and hope, encourages talents, and enhances creative abilities. It boosts confidence in business and personal relationships. It creates harmony and balance between the ideals we believe in and how we behave. It calms the urge toward impulsiveness and supports communication.
Labradorite is a highly mystical and protective stone that brings light into life. It elevates the spiritual level of the mind and its connection to cosmic energies. Labradorite deflects undesirable energies from the aura and prevents energy leakage. It creates barriers against the release of negative energy during healing. It is a crystal that can take you to other worlds or lives. Labradorite is a stone of esoteric guidance that enables initiation into mysterious mysteries. In mental life, it suppresses fear, insecurity, and remnants of past disappointments, including those from past lives. It strengthens faith in oneself and the entire universe. It removes the consciousness of others, including thoughts attacking your aura. Labradorite teaches us to forgive and let go of the past. It helps us forget injuries, especially those related to the sacral chakra, frustration, and kidney issues.
Artwork: The power of consciousness helps to realize the soul and opens the path of consciousness for which we are here, to overcome the test we have chosen. Just as we chose our parents and their DNA to increase the frequency of Being. (The frequency of Being is the frequency of love, harmony, humility, respect, and self-love, which reach higher vibrations of Being, for which the soul decided to come here), not hedonism, such as:
Alcohol and drugs, intoxicating substances – a deceptive sense of bliss,
a carefree escape from reality, suppressing reality, connecting with a demon
that steals my soul unless I have sold it with my actions and fear – through
the mRNA vaccine. We suppress the view of our true self, who we are, and how we
treat ourselves and others, suppressing disappointments, guilt, and
artificially creating a feeling of bliss. We become cowards and weak, without
character, irresponsible to ourselves and others, without conscience and soul.
In such a case, I am a victim. If I am a victim, I cannot grow or raise the
frequency of Being. Because I have not understood the essence of Being and have
not learned to forgive my parents, the environment, and myself. I can'tlet go
of the past, change my opinion, attitude, and I am not able to be humble. The
victim attracts the same energies and repeating tests until realization,
illness, or death occurs.
Cigarettes and smoking – inhaling nicotine and tar, substances that harm
the body – the shell that our soul has chosen. Self-harm without self-love,
suppressing CONSCIENCE of the soul and persuading THOUGHTS – the ego,
"RELAX," "calming," with the consequences being ulcers,
poor digestion, lung destruction, which symbolizes life, providing oxygen to
the organs to keep us vital and healthy. A slow suicide and conscious destruction
of the organs. It accelerates departure from this world, because mRNA vaccines
take away our life energy and iron, the ability to oxygenate our organs –
devaluing the blood that circulates and supplies organs with oxygen. This is
why people age quickly and feel tired. The body tries to regenerate blood, and
the heart constantly works at full capacity. The heart can't keep up and
becomes clogged with nanoplastics, nanoparticles, and spike proteins, leading
to thrombosis and eventual death.
Overeating - suppressing fear, feeling satisfied. Addiction to sugary snacks of refined sugar and eating meat creates negative energy and fear in our body. Animals – having a fear of death, they transfer this energy into meat. Animals are vaccinated with mRNA vaccine and antibiotics, " to prevent inflammation and disease".
When food is handled and made by a person who is infected with mRNA, that person passes spike proteins, parasites, into your surroundings and into your food, which when eaten immediately manifest themselves in herpes, aphthae, irritation of the gums, larynx, tongue (what is on the mucous membrane in the oral cavity is also found on the mucous membrane of the genital organs). They are small rashes, and the skin has the appearance of a burn with dandruff, small pimples of a red and yellow character with white lines. With higher consumption of chocolate, cocoa, marked with a green leaf (formerly a frog), small tumors full of parasites of a white character arise, in worse cases coming out toxins and plastics from the moles, which are of a pink and white character and coming out on the mucous membrane. High incidence of so-called "eczema" and other skin diseases, cancers such as lumps, swellings, accumulation of parasites in one place. (Photos on request)
In young children, it is irritation and pain in the area of the solar plexus – abdomen. Immediately after vaccination of parents, grandparents with mRNA substance, all unvaccinated children felt discomfort and pain in the abdomen, suddenly became sick and their immunity and hormones weakened.
Sexuality – if we make love out of love, we are giving a part of ourselves, DNA, mixing our energies, we are walking in God's plan: love and multiply. In that case, if you are unvaccinated mRNA and have not had mRNA vaccinated sexual partners in the past, there is a beautiful being, (an "angel" with high vibration and sentience - telepathy) who has chosen you. In the mRNA infected, it is a child with clouded eyes, no insight into the soul, not himself - nervous and aggressive because his soul is surrounded by the entity from his parents who created him.
After purification of the child's body and soul, the eyes become lighter and brighter - a look into the soul.
The child begins to show more love, emotion, is calmer, more cheerful is connected to the source of the universe - the field of consciousness and has regained the connection with the mother.
Sex, as a valve, loveless consumption, stress relief and addiction to the act, is a lowering of the frequency of Being, a loss of love, self-love and a constant repetition of a vicious circle that does not fulfill you because you are not looking for love in yourself and in another, but you are looking for pleasure, release, relaxation, experience and curiosity. The essence of lovemaking is to satisfy and be happy out of the feeling that I am making the loving partner happy and to feel their feelings and love fulfilling me, not out of selfishness to satisfy my carnal needs. Possibly calculating from the benefits.
You do not realize that what you do to others will quickly come back to you, yet out of emotion your body will not be aligned with the action and there will come sourness or sickness for not understanding.
The uterus represents femininity and the prostate is masculinity. A woman who feels inferior for not understanding her test - the self-love she has chosen, has continual problems with her uterus, or has already lost it, at best it is cysts.
During intimate kisses and sexual contact with an infected mRNA substance, we ingest spike proteins, nanobots, alien parasites, and parasites from mRNA products that desensitize and destroy your nervous system. Gradually you are losing yourself, disconnecting from the 3rd eye, soul and universe losing your memory and brain. At the same time, it is a weakening of immunity, with various skin growths forming in intimate places and all over the body. The skin is self-balancing, it is an internal conflict between the body, ego and soul.
We suppress ourselves at the expense of others.
With this approach to self, we facilitate the emergence of HPV virus and various venereal diseases that you don't feel but transmit. Eventually, you find that it doesn't fulfill you because you have lost connection with yourself in intimate places, and you feel paralyzed - you feel less sensation. You have no pleasure in the act, and if you still have a nervous system, you have a prickling, cutting and burning sensation in the intimate area. You are unwilling to submit to sexuality for fear of losing your partner and your comfort at the expense of your body, both etheric and physical. You are losing the frequency of Being and the nervous system, of yourself, and you are afraid to make a change and "live" at the expense of your way of life and self-love.
If I haven't understood, I remain a victim and if I figure it out, I start living. First, I have to find self-love, to be satisfied and happy with myself, that is to say, to give thanks for the experience, to forgive and let go of the past, without wanting a partner, to begin to be happy. My happiness will attract an equivalent energy that will help me grow. We will raise each other's frequency of Being: through respect, love, hugging, creating and co-creating. In this way we fulfill the oneness of Being and are stronger as individuals, we are whole.
In relationship, if we have not understood, the test will come, because what we radiate, we attract, and this gives us a mirror of ourselves; if we complain, we complain about ourselves. It's done so that we grow and so that we understand what we're doing and what comes to us, like a boomerang. If we want to grow, we have to let go of the ego - don't judge, don't condemn, don't pity, don't hurt, don't hate envy. Don't allow another to live off your energy of victimhood or misunderstanding of the ego.
Wellness – in order to relax and unwind, with the vision to switch off, you return in a worse state than you came.
These are pools, massages and services where there is contact with an infected person from mRNA.
The unvaccinated receives parasites and spike proteins from the vaccinated and infected mRNA, becoming infected mRNA. Unvaccinated by mRNA vaccine and uninfected - has aura color according to his life path emanation and love frequency. Vaccinated with mRNA and infected, they emit a gray aura without spirit, full of spike proteins that spread and that is why we can feel the prickling near them and in the places where they were. (hotel, train , bus - seat, bed etc.)
After a short time you start to get tired and sick, you start to have symptoms of fatigue, aging and not wanting to live, wheezing and coughing. You lose vital energy. You feel lazy and casual, you are constantly sick and have weakened immunity. Substances from mRNA have frequency tuned to the throat and sacral chakras - immunity, hormones and reproduction. (Population reduction) If my nose is running, my body is defending itself and excreting spike proteins and parasites. If I am constantly coughing, I am the source and creator of spiky proteins that I am spreading to the environment.
Greed and pride - authority and power, as of 2020 VHO uses mRNA vaccine technology, insulin, anesthetic, antibiotics, tetanus, whooping cough, smallpox, smallpox, flu, measles, rubella, mumps, Lyme disease, HPV virus and all vaccines.
The goal is to have sick clients and knowingly reduce the population, with the help of corrupt authorities.
Providing for sick and damaged babies: right at birth, they take away their chance to be healthy. The placenta, which contains defensive and nutritious substances for the baby's immunity, is quickly taken away for pharmaceuticals after the baby is born.
If we want to have healthy babies in the future, we need to provide the conditions for birth without early removal of the placenta and no injecting them with vaccines.
The mRNA vaccines turn the sentient (awake) into non sentient, disabled, neurological, psychological, unstable, infertile etc. patients who have lost their immunity.
They have no ability to think, remember, be themselves and be able to speak their mind.
The mRNA vaccines change a person's DNA from the energy of Jesus Christ to demonic dark and aggressive DNA because it is their only way to gain energy through aggression and provocation.
This is the test of the sentient - awakened ones to be in love, how to be able to control themselves and look at the vaccinated as a victim, not to feel sorry and not to be provoked, to broadcast love to them.
Watch the video of Artshamaga https: //

Before the covid, the "pandemic," souls remained here on Earth.
My paintings - like this one, escorted souls from the light - the universe of the field of consciousness. Now it is about agreement - the balance of light and dark and the sharing of energies - souls. The soul is a record of emotions - the frequency of Being of past lives and of the present life.
If we reach the intended frequency of Being, or we are rapidly losing our frequency of Being,the soul quickly decides to leave, e.g. cancer, so as not to lower its frequency of Being any further.One dies, leaving the body – one's shell behind, and the soul goes into the light. If we have the chakras open just before death, the base chakra, the sacral chakra and the solar plexus, then in that case the images of Artšamágwill help to escort the soul into the light.
The other "souls" - the energies that remain as a source of energy from eternal fear are an endless powerhouse - a source of energy for darkness and demons and remain in eternal torment and damnation. see link:
How to Meditate - The Way to Inside.(51st minute, information about damned souls)
All the works of the Artshamaga can atone for your sins and save your soul - if you have lost authority from fear of losing your income and succumbing to financial enticements such as the vaccine lottery and the financial reward for receiving the mRNA vaccine, to the media that lied and spread fear, created pressure and uncertainty, panic, spread alarmist messages. You have trusted authorities who have betrayed you for their own enrichment, you have trusted the media who have deceived you, you have trusted everything - only to not hear the truth and your Self, your inner voice - your conscience. Even today, people do not realize that they need help and cleansing from the mRNA vaccines that are causing serious damage to their body and soul.One year with the mRNA vaccine in your body is 10 years worth of wear and tear without the vaccine. Because of this, people are rapidly aging and dying from the various diseases caused by these new age mRNA vaccines. They are a spiritual accelerator of soul division.
Example: if I don't have something emotionally settled with a loved one, I am full of hatred, anger and fears - I can't forgive and let go of the issue, hence I have heart (heart valve) and pelvic joint problems. These places are sour and after receiving the mRNA vaccine, the parasites concentrate on these sour spots. This all happens very quickly after vaccination and the problem sites in our body become clogged with spike proteins, nanobots and plastics, creating thromboses.
The Constitution of the Slovak Republic guaranteed you the right to defend yourself. Everything was unconstitutional and illegal.
You have succumbed to lies out of fear of losing material possessions, freedom, indulgence andyour life. You have been deceived and stripped of your soul. You are disconnected from the field of consciousness, disconnected from yourself and from the 3rd eye. You feel empty inside, you have high anxiety because you have no source of energy, so you get it through aggression, hurting and restlessness. You are consistently tired, irritable, losing memory, confidence, subconscious, losing yourself, gradually being controlled by the media and the 5G network. Your body is rapidly wearing out because your blood has lost iron, or the ability to oxygenate your organs. You are full of parasites that multiply and accumulate in your body - (obesity) aided by toxins from your diet. Through chemtrails from the air, toxins, nanoparasites, spike proteins and graphenes(cd new data) enters your body and are controlling you.
Planes that create clouds of chemtrails are destroying nature, fertile soil and drinking water sources. Nanoparasites, nanobots and spike proteins thus enter your body from polluted air through inhalation, water and food. This causes respiratory diseases, clogging blood vessels and many other diseases. Water is the basis of human beings at 70% by volume. What we drink and eat is what we are. Bugs have parasites they put in their food, toxins are in drinking sources - Arsenic is toxic and carcinogenic.Arsenic has a cheerless history as it was one of the favorite substances used in the past to get rid of inconvenient people (there are 8 billion of us). Its rapid poisonous effects were also used during World War I to prepare warfare agents. Arsenic is an element that is common in the Earth's crust. In its pure form it is a steel grey brittle solid, but it is mostly found in compounds with other elements: oxygen, chlorine, sulphur, carbon and hydrogen. The result is often a white or colourless dust with no odour or distinctive taste.
Therefore, its presence in food or water is undetectable by our senses.
Whoever wants rejuvenation, vitality, energy, adjustment of energy nodes - to harmonize the energy body, to purify the blood and restore it, to cleanse the body of spike proteins, to change the environment from acidic to alkaline - necessary for the regeneration of organs - body and soul. Reconnecting the nervous system, meridians, sensitivity, sensations of the 3rd eye. Reconnecting your Self = God - OM = your soul = energy = your record in the field of consciousness = your frequency of Being. This is important so that your soul can go into the light and higher dimensions and so that the soul is not an energy source for darkness and demons - operating out of fear.If you are committed to this step you must change your attitude of self-love of the meaning of life, ego and change your consuming - receiving higher energies.For example, not accepting low and demonic energies and not harming yourself: with flesh full of low vibrations - fears, plastics, bugs, parasites, antibiotics from mRNA. Alcohol, cigarettes, drugs - medications, intake of large amounts of refined sugar and infected poo.Genetically modified foods. (The gene passes on the nature of the action - the reason for the use as it did the change in the organism and the herb, legume, or animal. After consumption, it continues to carry on its role - functionality. For example, rapid -growth - hormones and quantitative in nature - weight gain. There is damage to the human body, protein deposition, protein spikes. At the same time, pesticides and conservatives cause cancers and diseases, already in preservation - application by humans.
The most important thing nowadays is the purification of the body and soul in the shrine of the Arthshamag, Prana - energy, enlightened water and the ability to purify oneself on the change. To change your environment from acidic to alkaline using prana -Artsamaga's gift, thought -Artsamaga's enlightenment, candle cleansing and methods - years of experience and helping people, magnetism - induction , copper - demagnetization, Tesla generator - high discharge, static energy, color spectrum of light nanometers for each chakra, sound, smell,voice, UV lasers and UV light, and the latter will ensure the elimination of nanoparasites, nanobots, chips and parasites, acidification to grounding. Then the regeneration of the organs occurs with the support of the energy of Artshamag and from his images and jewelry made of minerals - the protection of the angels. God will protect and create a protective shield over the soul and the person who has the work of Artshamag. Only the awakened and feeling spiritually attuned to love and help will survive.
In a video filmed in Gran Canaria before the covid - genocide - biological and chemical warfare .
Artsamag says it will help anyone who asks. He had no idea that they would misuse nanotechnology to eliminate humans. In practice, from infecting people in Gran Canaria with the covid - mRNA vaccine with two or three doses, people have come and hearing, smell, taste, sight, cardiac arrest, thrombosis, cysts, rapid tumors, skin diseases, aging, fatigue, inability to make love due to prick and spike proteins, infertility, manifestation of HPV viruses due to weakened immunity. High problem of respiratory diseases etc. In a cleansing without grounding, the healer will take in the nanoparticles given even at a distance. Necessary to purify. (Hence if you feel weakened and immediately sick after talking remotely over 5G cell phone network from mRNA vaccine, it is just transferring energy based on regrets, fears and consent.) That's why it's important to purify. It was the division of the soul into weeds and wheat. God's plan. A balance of light and darkness.
That is why Artshamag chose not to help theinoculated with mRNa.
It will not go against God's plan.
For their setting and misunderstanding of the meaning of life ingratitude, disrespect, and unwillingness to change. Because of the time he devotes to helping people who are not inoculated with mRNA and are grateful for everything, they are happy and feel a sense of security and safety from help at any time from the Artshamag even at a distance, whether to reduce sedation and save life, pain from misunderstanding, promote energy healing, etc.
If the mRNA infected with the substance shows willingness to change from the misconception and understanding of why he is here, he will make a change of mindset, confirm it with willingness to help people and himself, pay a donation with a note of GIFT, not out of calculating but out of humility and love - to help himself and other people to set up an Artshamags Help Center. The value of the gift is your conscience and purification, it is the attitude towards your soul and yourself towards your life to the possibility of manifesting value towards matter and love - spiritual. He will be placed on the waiting list for assistance based on his gift amount.
The people who have been helped by Ardshamag and their gratitude - gift, was not a sufficient exchange of energy for helping their soul, for saving their life and cleansing them from the universe.
The energy of the universe = God - Om helped in the adequate energy of the help they deserved.
That's why Artsamag has always been different, and the "healers" accused him of not asking for money, as an exchange of energy, not having a set value for help. In doing so, he was committing an energetic debt.But it is about love, energy and help that cannot be quantified - bought, but it is about charisma and help a voluntary gift of love.
The way the universe works, if we give out of love sincere from the heart and help, the universe will give back to us many times over. It must not be out of calculating - greed. Ardshamag is love and opportunity, to give you a chance to purify and raise the frequency of Being. Armshamag is just a tool of help and love.Artshamag knows that for everyone there is ANOTHER possibility of the value of help in that present moment.
That is why he has given the option of voluntariness. He also helped the poor, regardless of their financial situation, picked them up by car from the station and after helping and purifying them, carried them back to the station out of love, gave the angel a pendant, for protection and energy supply.
Because everyone has a different test - financial ability to contribute and is in different possibilities of gratitude of the gift, but only the universe = God- OM sees that. Ardshamag does not judge and condemn for their actions. One must realize that right after purification comes the test - the test of whether I have understood and have no fear and have changed my actions, thinking and habits. If I do it out of fear I will fail, the whole thing was useless. If I surrender to my Self - God = OM, there will be a change to love, healing and direction.
It means not being afraid of death.
Artsamag is just a crossroads. Decisions and actions are up to each person and soul.
We take nothing away from here but the feeling of happiness, help and love that creates our Being. Increasing the frequency of Being for helping people.
Money is only an opportunity to express the character of the individual and to demonstrate our direction and actions to our soul and to other people.(Not exploitation and oppression, promotion, enrichment on the basis of others, but help and love the joy of the gift and love of others).
The Ardshamag has self-love and does not intend to harm himself by bringing in nanoparasites and all diseases, without changing the individual and his attitude, actions and humility. Yet he has helped many vaccinated ones, and has also known souls who cried for the return of their Self. Everyone has the right to change, to discard the past and live in the present moment in love and help. This ability is given to you by the Artsamags image with the support of Artsamag's grounding, water and energy, cleansing, constant energy supply and elimination of acidity and nanoparticles, spike proteins, etc. The assistance includes individual water and image programming according to your requirements and needs.
This image is created by the energy of the universe, with the support of light and love, which will save you, your life, your soul and your family and will provide energetic help, facilitate your life, purification and give you prana - energy.
It's like you have your own shrine or pyramid for an energy source.
The energy, light and unconditional love in this form of work is pricelessvalue because love and life and our soul are priceless.
Ask yourself the question, why are we here and what is the meaning of life?
What has happened in the last 4 years has been God's plan to divide souls, sentient – awakenedand lost in material values. Those who listened to their soul, themselves, and those whowere constantly lowering their energy, their frequency of Being.
Example: the Universe, the field of consciousness, has an average of 70% light and love.
If it is necessary to increase the percentage to 80% light and love to bridge into higher dimensions forthe purpose of harmony, freedom of liberty and love in further carefree lives in love and light.
It is necessary to get rid of the souls who continuously lower their frequency of Beingness at rebirth,example from 50% to 40% and lower, out of fear and ignorance, because they do not listen to their Self andthey do not believe in their God - OM, whom they carry within themselves. All of us unvaccinated and without mRNA vaccines are the energy of Jesus Christ, we are the field of Consciousness. After the DNA change that the mRNA substance causes, we are no longer wired and have no more energy and love, therefore we are demonic and angry.
Humility, self-love, love and reverence is the way of purity and light, not to be afraid only to let God's will be done.
Our thoughts is our story of life. Everyone is the engineer of their own happiness - life, if I listen to my Self, I grow, overcome trials and am happy, if ingrained habits and other limitations influence me, they guide me, limit me, create pressure, fear and manipulate - control, steal my time and soul.
That's why it's important to be in love and neutrality - I don't want anything. To live in the present moment.
And therefore, for those of you who wish to change to love and self-love, the Artsamag gives you the opportunity to contribute to the creation of a center to help people to support the light and to save children and people and human souls, at the same time to support the purification, to raise your frequency of Being, with a voluntary financial donation. - Voluntary donation to help people with mRNA
If your donation will be equal to and greater than (OM - BOH) 30 000 euros, you have the option to return yoursoul and connect to the source - the field of consciousness, erasing your actions - cause and effect from theUniverse, without returning the reaction to the action. It simply draws a line behind the past and raises your frequency of Being for helping people with your gift, a complete cleansing of you and your family.
If you fulfill the value of OM's gift to help people, you will receive a work of love from the gift - the energy of the universe, the image of the Power of Consciousness, or other works of Artsamag that will be added gradually.Because after the purification and return of the connection to the 3rd eye, the universe and the soul isconstant energetic support from the universe, light, love and prana is necessary, the Artshamag is donatingan image of incalculable value.
The image is part of the help and healing - the energy of the universe.Our raising the frequency of Being = love, actions, deeds and helping others.
That is why Artshamag decided to help also the vaccinated - infected with the mRNA latke, for which he needs the conditions - the Artshamag Center.
Artshamag, the carrier of the light and love energy of the universe.
With respect and love.
Galactic love
Weight: 4.7 kg 10.3617 pounds

Artwork description: Galactic Love
This work of art is also a carrier of cosmic energy - prana and unconditional love,
which increases the frequency of Being. It softens energies and brings spiritual energy into the environment with subtle vibrations. It brings brightness to the mind, opens the crown and higher crown chakras. It allows access to angelic consciousness and a spiritual guide. Selenite offers a connection with the higher light body and helps to anchor it in earthly vibrations.
Selenite is a peaceful stone, maintaining deep peace and tranquility. It is excellent for meditation or spiritual work. It radiates unconditional love into the space, harmonizes the environment, escorts souls into the light and eliminates negative energies - entities, reduces the negative effects of pathogenic zones, cleanses and adjusts your etheric body, harmonizes the chakras supported by the color spectrum of the chakras through the spiritual Being of the AAA crystal, Selenite.
It is a portal to the universe and a field of consciousness with unbounded love.
Effects of the work: Increasing the frequency of Being, enriches your consciousness, your spiritual growth and replenishes you with energy - prana. Creates spiritual support and growth, harmonizes the environment, eliminates negativity and tension.
Galactic love in front of the Artshamag shrine

The work "Galactic Love" has a USB control in the lower left corner for selecting the illumination of individual angelic elements.

The USB Covering Angel is made of Labradorite, Amethyst Druzy, Selenite, Vanadinite and Disthene.
Labradorite is a highly mystical protective stone, bringing light into life. It increases the spiritual level of the mind and its connection with cosmic energies. Labradorite deflects unwanted energies from the aura and prevents energy leakage. It creates barriers against negative energy outbursts during healing. It is a crystal that can lead you to other worlds or lives. Labradorite is a stone of esoteric guidance, allowing initiation into mysterious mysteries.
It harmonizes the physical and etheric spheres of the body and connects both with the spiritual goal to which they are directed. It increases the level of achieved consciousness and grounds spiritual energy into the lower physical body. The crystal supports the development of intuition and psychic gifts, including the art of "right timing". It brings various messages from the subconscious to the surface and allows them to be understood.In the mental life, Labradorite suppresses fear, uncertainty and the remnants of past disappointments, including those from past lives. It strengthens faith in yourself and the universe as a whole. It removes from consciousness the ideas of other people, including thoughts attacking your aura. Labradorite calms an overactive mind and at the same time energizes your imagination by bringing new ideas. The ability to analyze and rational approach of Labradorite are balanced by the art of inner appearance. Labradorite induces a state of contemplation and introspection. It combines intellectual insight with intuitive wisdom. It is excellent for breaking down unfounded illusions by being able to penetrate to the root of things and reveal the true intentions behind specific thoughts and actions. This stone evokes repressed memories of the past. Labradorite is a useful guide in times of change, it is a stone that brings strength and perseverance. As a stone of transformation, it prepares the body and soul for further growth.
Labradorite treats eye and brain disorders, brings relief from stress and regulates metabolism. Heals colds, gout and rheumatism. Adjusts hormone balance and relieves menstrual tension. Lowers blood pressure. Labradorite can be used in radionic healing and searching for the causes of imbalance.
Amethyst crystal is an extremely powerful stone with enormous protective power, endowed with highly spiritual vibrations. As a natural sedative, amethyst blocks geopathogenic zones and negative energies permeating the environment around us. Its balance contributes to achieving expanded states of consciousness and helps with meditation. Amethyst has strong healing and cleansing powers. It also supports spiritual awareness of all connections. Traditionally worn as a means of preventing drunkenness. Supports sobriety. Overcomes addictions and blocks of all kinds. When used on higher levels of personality, amethyst opens a gateway to another reality. Amethyst is extremely beneficial for the mind, which it can calm and encourage as needed. If you meditate, it diverts your thoughts from everything mundane, towards calming and deeper knowledge. It can alleviate fears, improve concentration and keep everything you are currently engaged in under control. It helps to accept new ideas. The stone has a beneficial effect on the ability to make decisions. It strengthens the owner's healthy rational thinking and stimulates his mental outlook.
At the same time, it supports the transformation of intentions into reality. Mentally, it calms and unifies, helps the transmission of nerve signals in the brain. Helps against insomnia caused by excessive mental activity and protects against recurring nightmares. Amethyst improves memory and motivation, helps to focus on more realistic goals. It also helps to remember dreams and understand them correctly. It facilitates the emergence of vivid vivid images. Amethyst maintains a balance between "high" and "low" consciousness and increases emotional concentration. It removes fear, anger, concerns and rage. Suppresses sadness and regret. Helps to cope with experienced loss. Amethyst is one of the most spiritual stones. It brings divine love, offers an inner insight into the true nature of man, encourages selflessness and spiritual wisdom. It opens the way for the development of intuition and supports physical talents. It is an excellent stone for meditation and divination. If you carry it with you while sleeping, you can expect out-of-body experiences. Amethyst brings intuitive dreams. It transforms lower energies into higher vibrations of the spiritual and etheric realm.
Therapeutic uses:
Amethyst stimulates hormone production. It tunes the endocrine system and metabolism. It strengthens the excretory organs and the immune system. It is a great blood purifier. Amethyst can relieve physical, emotional and mental pain, or stress. It can also block geopathic zones. It relieves headaches and relieves tension. This stone reduces bruises, heals wounds and helps remove swelling. It also helps with hearing disorders, treats imbalances in the stomach and respiratory system, helps with skin diseases, cellular disorders and imbalances in the digestive tract. It has a beneficial effect on the intestines, where it regulates the state of intestinal flora, removes parasites and improves water absorption. Amethyst treats insomnia and ensures restful sleep. At the most subtle level, amethyst maintains balance between the physical, mental and emotional bodies and at the same time ensures their connection. It cleanses the aura and transforms negative energy. It stimulates the activity of the throat and crown chakras. It will serve people whose physical existence is coming to an end. Amethyst can stabilize the mental state.
Translucent Selenite is characterized by very subtle vibrations. It brings clarity to the mind, opens the crown and higher crown chakras. Allows access to angelic consciousness and spirit guides. Pure Selenite offers a connection to the higher light body and helps to anchor it in earthly vibrations. Selenite is a peaceful stone that maintains deep peace and tranquility. It is excellent for meditation or spiritual work. Anyone who holds a piece of Selenite emitting pure vibrations in their hand is capable of telepathy. The purest translucent white Selenite is endowed with otherworldly properties. It is said that its home is the area between light and matter. Although it is a stone originating from ancient times, it is one of the most powerful crystals when it comes to new earthly vibrations. Selenite can be used to create a protective grid around the house and at the same time we can use it to establish peace in the space where outside influences should not interfere. We can place it in all corners of the house. A large piece of Selenite placed in the house will create a calm and peaceful atmosphere. A Selenite stick can be used to remove foreign entities from the aura or as a preventive measure against anything foreign that would like to influence the mind. The stone carries within itself the imprint of everything that has ever happened in the world. But Selenite also reaches into other lives and is very useful if you want to find out what progress you have already made. At the same time, it reveals the plan according to which your current life has been unfolding since the moment you left the state between lives. It reveals all the problems whose consequences still affect you and shows how best to solve them. It can be used for oracle divination, or to make sure what exactly happened in the past.
On a mental level, Selenite helps with judgment and the ability to penetrate to the core of things. Mentally, it offers calming of confusion and helps with a deeper perspective. It brings understanding of events that take place in the subconscious. It can disperse and stabilize unfathomable emotions.
Healing uses:
Selenite straightens the spine and increases its flexibility. Protects against epileptic seizures. This stone neutralizes the effects of mercury in dental amalgam and balances the effects of "free radicals". It is an excellent crystal for breastfeeding and child nutrition. It manifests its most significant healing abilities at the energy level.
Vanadinite is an excellent stone for those who have trouble accepting their physical existence. The crystal maintains a strong connection with the earth chakra in the earth body under your feet. It grounds the mind into the physical body and helps it feel comfortable in the earthly environment. Vanadinite helps reduce energy waste and teaches how to conserve energy on the physical level.
It helps with meditation, it can mute our inner dialogue, thereby literally inducing a state of "no mind". This stone can also be used for intentional concentration of the mind to induce mental vision or mental wandering. It can open internal channels in the body through which the flowing cosmic energy can be received. This establishes harmony between the spells and brings the higher self into the physical body, where it induces a feeling of deep inner peace. Mentally, vanadinite fills the gap between the mind and the intellect. It helps to define set goals, achieve them, and at the same time quiet the disturbing manifestations of the mind. It facilitates insight into the problem, along with rational reasoning supported by the inner voice of the guide. This stone is endowed with the useful ability to limit excessive spending. Place it in the abundance corner of the house or put a small piece of the crystal in your wallet to keep money in it.
Therapeutic uses:
Vanadinite is useful for respiratory problems - for example, asthma or pulmonary edema. It allows circular breathing. It treats chronic fatigue and bladder problems.
Kyanite - Disthene is excellent for meditation. It brings peace, balance and works as a powerful transmitter, amplifier of high-frequency energies, thereby stimulating mental abilities along with intuition. Thanks to its ability to tune in to the causal plane, Kyanite can evoke manifestations of spiritual energy in the form of thoughts. This crystal offers a connection with a spirit guide and evokes compassion. It can ground spiritual vibrations, which induces a state of spiritual integrity and maturity. It allows for the recall of dream memories and brings healing dreaming. Kyanite is good for people who are just crossing the border of death.
Kyanite quickly aligns the chakras with the higher body. It clears their path and meridians. It restores the chi of the physical body and its organs. During healing, after cleansing and transformation, it stabilizes the geomagnetic field. Since Kyanite does not hold anything negative in itself, it does not require cleansing. On a spiritual level, it guides its owner to speak the truth. It breaks down fear and blocks. By opening the throat chakra, this stone encourages self-expression and communication. It removes ignorance and opens the knowledge of spiritual and mental truth. Kyanite penetrates all confusion and breaks down blocks, illusions, fear, disappointment and stress. It increases the ability to think logically and directly. It stimulates the activity of the higher mind and maintains a connection with the causal plane. In the spiritual realm, Kyanite helps to free oneself from the idea of irreversible fate and inexorably acting karma. It shows what role a person can play in creating the process of cause and effect necessary for the past to remain in proper balance. Kyanite facilitates bringing the etheric body back into the physical world and retunes the mind to higher frequencies.
Therapeutic Uses:
Kyanite treats muscle disorders, fever, urogenital system, baby gland, adrenal glands, neck and brain. It is a natural pain reliever. It lowers blood pressure and treats infections. It removes excess body weight, supports cerebellar activity and the body's motor reactions. It also helps maintain a balance between yin and yang energies.
In the upper left part is Bohemian Garnet.

Garnet is a stone with a strong ability to provide energy. It contributes to gaining new strength and to their renewal. It purifies the chakras and gives them new energy, which revives, cleanses and keeps them in balance. It brings peace or desire as needed. It is claimed that garnet can warn of impending danger and has been used as an amulet since ancient times. Garnet is one of the most widespread stones. It occurs in several forms, which differ depending on what minerals they are made of. Each form has slightly different additional properties that expand the common nature of the species.
In mental life, Garnet facilitates the shedding of unnecessary or outdated thoughts and ideas. Emotionally, it helps overcome various prohibitions and taboos. It opens the heart wide and increases self-confidence.
Therapeutic uses:
Garnet regenerates the body. Stimulates metabolism. Treats spine, back and cellular problems. Purifies the blood, provides energy, has a beneficial effect on the heart and lungs. Regenerates DNA. Helps with the absorption of minerals and vitamins.
In the lower part in the center is an Angel made of AAA quality Crystal, the greater the purity of the crystal, the stronger the effects and quality of spiritual growth, strengthening of positive energy, programming and memory. His body and head are made of Celestine. Decorated with Cyanide - Disthen, Lapis lazuli, Opal, Black Tourmaline, Russian Emerald, Muscovite - Mica. Under the angel is a double LED chip, which can be adjusted with a separate controller. Thus, the angel creates a pleasant atmosphere of caressing the soul.

Phenakite - The crystal is endowed with one of the highest vibrations ever discovered in crystals. It connects personal consciousness with a higher frequency, thus enabling the transfer of information coming from the universe to this Earth. It establishes contact with the angelic realm and with the highest Masters.
Phenakite has a cleansing and integrating effect. It brings higher spiritual vibrations down to Earth, resonates with the etheric body, activates the higher light body and assists in the process of spiritual growth. This crystal can heal the soul and cleanse the higher subtle and lower physical bodies so that they can serve as a usable means of transportation. However, the energy of this stone can only be used by those who are themselves ready to move to a higher level with their own vibrations.
Phenakite has a strong relationship with all chakras. At the same time, it indicates how to heal and activate all of them. It also stimulates the activity of the third eye and activates the higher crown chakra, the mediator of inner knowledge.
Madagascar phenakite has an interdimensional nature. Experiments have shown that it can create connections between different galaxies. Brazilian phenakite often has its own "crystal guide".
Healing uses:
Phenakite works on a subtle higher level, where it cleanses the body and at the same time clears the pathways through which energy flows. It brings information from the Akashic records, all based on the etheric plan, thanks to which the cause of the imbalance can be identified and then eliminated. Phenakite activates healing processes on all levels from the etheric body to the physical. If necessary, it can bring the etheric plan into balance as a necessary prerequisite for physical healing. Phenakite can amplify the energy of other healing stones.
Lapis lazuli opens the third eye and maintains the balance of the throat chakra. It helps to achieve a state of enlightenment, facilitates the invocation and interpretation of dreams and increases psychic abilities. It enables spiritual journeys and stimulates personal and spiritual strength. This stone quickly removes stress and brings a feeling of deep peace and tranquility. It provides extraordinary balance and is the key to achieving spiritual knowledge.Lapis lazuli is a protective stone that allows you to establish contact with spirit guides. It can recognize the threat of a mental attack, stop it and return the attacking energy back to its source. It teaches the power of the spoken word and can reverse misfortune or correct the imbalance caused by silence in the past. Lapis lazuli brings the physical, emotional and spiritual planes into a state of harmony. Discord between them can lead to depression, imbalance and loss of meaning in life. The induced harmony brings a feeling of deep inner self-knowledge.Lapis lazuli encourages taking responsibility for one's own life. It reveals inner truth, helps self-awareness and allows self-expression without clinging to compromises. If suppressed fear causes "neck" problems or communication problems, Lapis lazuli removes such obstacles. This crystal brings its owner lasting values in the form of honesty, compassion and integrity
Lapis lazuli works as an effective amplifier of thoughts. It stimulates higher mental abilities, brings an objective and clear perspective. It supports the development of creative abilities by tuning them to the source of knowledge. Lapis lazuli will help you come to terms with the truth, regardless of where you discover it, and accept everything you learn. It also facilitates the expression of one's own opinion and brings harmony to conflicts. It also introduces its owner to the value of actively listening to others.Lapis lazuli strengthens love and friendship relationships and helps in expressing feelings and emotions. It removes suffering, cruelty and hardship. In the form of a gemstone essence, it releases emotional bondage.
Therapeutic Uses
Lapis lazuli suppresses pain, especially migraines and headaches. Helps overcome depression. Has a beneficial effect on the respiratory and nervous systems, throat, vocal cords, thyroid gland, organs that ensure the body's detoxification, bone marrow, pineal gland and immune system. Helps repair hearing damage and cleanses the blood. Effective against insomnia and dizziness. Lowers blood pressure.
Opal is a sensitive stone with subtle vibrations. It makes cosmic consciousness accessible and awakens mental and mystical visions. It stimulates original and dynamic creative forces. It helps to discover and manifest the true self of its owner. Opal can absorb and transmit. It receives thoughts and feelings from the environment, amplifies them and returns them to the source. It is a karmic stone that teaches us that everything we send out will come back to us. Opal acts as a protective stone - if properly programmed, it will make you imperceptible or invisible. It can be used when you want to dare to go to a dangerous place. It will also fulfill its role in shamanic journeys where it is necessary to be invisible.
On a mental level, opal amplifies the peculiarities of character and at the same time brings personal qualities to the surface so that they can then undergo transformation. It allows for a correct understanding of one's own value and helps you understand your possibilities. It brings light and spontaneous decision-making into life. It encourages artistic inclinations.
In the emotional life, opal has long been associated with love and passion, with desire and eroticism. It is a stone of temptation that intensifies feelings and releases inhibitions. It can also act as a stabilizing element of emotions, but in some cases it tends to disperse energy and its user must be very focused before using opal to explore or evoke emotions. The simultaneous use of other stones is also possible. Opal will show you what your emotional state was in the past – especially in past lives – and will teach you how to take responsibility for what you are feeling right now. It encourages the expression of positive emotions. It is said that wearing opal induces faithfulness, loyalty and spontaneous action. At the same time, however, it can also intensify flightiness if you have a tendency to it from earlier times. Opal can be used to heal the earth's energy field, removing damage and giving it new energy and stability.
Medicinal uses:
Opal strengthens the will to live. Treats Parkinson's disease, infections and fevers. Purifies the blood and kidneys. Regulates insulin levels, aids in childbirth and eliminates premenstrual syndrome. It is a stone with a beneficial effect on the eyes, especially as an elixir.
Muscovite is the most common form of Mica. It is a mystical stone with a strong connection to the angelic realm, which increases the level of awareness of the higher self. It is used in divination and as a vision-inducing stone, it helps maintain a connection with higher spiritual dimensions. Muscovite stimulates the activity of the heart chakra, facilitates astral travel and opens the door to intuition and spiritual visions.Muscovite has the ability to find cracks in interpersonal relationships and at the same time stimulates expressions of unconditional love and helpfulness. It is a stone that supports the ability to reflect - it reflects what has happened and allows you to examine your own manifestations from the outside. It will help you understand that what you do not like about others is actually a reflection of the qualities you carry within yourself that need to be eliminated. Muscovite helps integrate and transform them. It can be used to demarcate the area of an earthquake, as the crystal can gently and safely relieve tension within the earth's interior. At the same time, it reveals tension within the physical body and brings the higher bodies and meridians into harmony with the material body by establishing their mutual balance. In the mental life, Muscovite suppresses insecurity, self-doubt and heaviness. It will serve well for those who suffer from dyspraxia and confusion of the left and right sides. Muscovite removes fear and stress by bringing flexibility to all levels of being. It facilitates an optimistic view of the future and looking at the past, which helps to evaluate it as a lesson from which we can learn. By helping you see yourself through the eyes of others, the crystal allows you to change the impression you make on others. It also helps in examining your own painful feelings. Muscovite also helps in solving problems and encourages prompt reactions. It helps in expressing your thoughts and feelings clearly. On a physical level, Muscovite improves your physical appearance. It adds shine to your hair and sparkle to your eyes. At the same time, it helps you maintain the weight your body needs.
Therapeutic Uses:
Muscovite controls blood sugar levels, balances the pancreas, reduces dehydration and prevents hunger during fasting. Regulates liver function. Muscovite provides relief from insomnia and allergies. Treats all problems stemming from imbalance or anxiety.
In the center of the image is a diamond-shaped tachyon rainbow crystal, under which is UV light at a wavelength of 395nm. Supported by an LED chip creating a harmonious rainbow light - chakras.

To his right is the Selenite heart supported by green light for the heart chakra. It brings great peace and loving harmony to the space.

Under the heart is an angel made of Tiger's Eye, Black Tourmaline, Disthen - Cyanide, Muscovite - Mica, Chrysocolla, Charoite, Fluorite, Obsidian.

Under the heart is an angel made of minerals:
Tiger's Eye combines Earth energy with the energies of the Sun to help induce a state of high vibrations that are nevertheless grounded and bring spiritual energy to the earth. Placed on the third eye, it supports the mental abilities of earth-oriented people, maintains the balance of the lower chakras and stimulates the growth of kundalini.
Tiger's Eye is a protective stone that has traditionally been worn as a talisman against hostile thoughts and curses. It shows how to use power correctly and brings its owner integrity of personality. It helps in achieving goals, finding inner resources and increasing clarity of intentions. Placed on the navel chakra, it has an excellent effect on people detached from the world in which they live. It helps to ground them and at the same time allows them to clearly express their will. Tiger's Eye anchors the changes that have occurred in the physical body.
It is a stone that will serve well in finding your own needs as well as the needs of others. It can distinguish between wishful thinking and what you really need.
On the intellectual level, tiger's eye balances the activity of both cerebral hemispheres and increases their practical use. It helps to collect scattered information and create a single compact whole from it. It facilitates the resolution of dilemmas and internal conflicts, especially those caused by pride and stubbornness. Tiger's eye is an extremely useful crystal in the treatment of mental imbalances and personality disorders.
In mental life, it helps to solve problems associated with the inability to recognize one's own worth, excessive self-criticism and blocked creative abilities. It helps to recognize one's own talents and abilities. At the same time, it draws attention to mistakes that need to be overcome. It supports those who are too dependent on others and encourages them to make changes.
On the emotional level, tiger's eye maintains a balance between the yin and yang energies of the emotional body, suppresses depression and improves mood.
Healing Uses: Tiger's Eye heals eyesight and aids night vision. Heals the neck and reproductive organs. Removes spasms and blockages. Helps repair broken bones.
Tourmaline purifies and transforms excessively heavy energy into light vibrations. Grounds spiritual energy, cleanses and balances all chakras, and creates a protective shield around the body.
It is a shamanic stone that provides protection during ceremonies. It can be used in orb divination. It has traditionally been used to reveal the culprit or in difficult times to indicate the direction to take next.
Natural Tourmaline rods are a very useful healing tool. They cleanse the aura, remove blocks, disperse negative energy, and show solutions to specific problems. They are excellent for harmonizing the chakras and connecting them to each other. On a physical level, they restore balance between the meridians.
Black Tourmaline is strongly connected to divine energies and has an extremely beneficial effect on gardens and plants. It can act as a natural insecticide, keeps pests away from the body and when buried in the ground, accelerates the growth of grain and improves its health.
In the mental life, Tourmaline helps to understand yourself and others. It takes you deeper into your own inner self, increases your self-confidence and suppresses fear. It drives away thoughts that induce a sense of victimhood and attracts inspiration, understanding, tolerance and prosperity to its wearer.
Tourmaline is an effective healer of the mind and soul. It balances the left and right hemispheres and transforms ingrained negative thought patterns into positive ones. It balances the flow of thoughts, chakras and biomagnetic envelope. It helps in the treatment of paranoid states and dyslexia. It improves hand-eye coordination along with the storage and translation of encoded information.
On an emotional level, red, yellow and brown Tourmaline has a beneficial effect on sexual and emotional disorders, the cause of which can be a loss of libido. On a physical level, it releases tension, which can be beneficial in correcting the spine. It balances the masculine and feminine energy in the body.
Healing Uses:
The grooves running along the length of the Tourmaline crystal increase the energy flow, making this stone an excellent aid for healing, increasing energy and removing blocks. The individual colors provide unique healing abilities.
Chrysocolla is a peaceful and relaxing stone. It helps with meditation and communication. If you have it at home, it expels negative energies of all kinds, which will help you respond to constantly changing situations with peace, balance and reserves of inner strength. It has a beneficial effect on relationships, which thanks to it become stable and solid as a rock. The crystal has a beneficial effect on the home as a whole and on relationships between individual people.
Chrysocolla has a calming and cleansing effect. It adds new energy to the chakras and helps with personal connection with the higher divine world. From the solar plexus chakra, Chrysocolla removes negative emotions (such as guilt) and changes the destructive emotional programming of the personality to the opposite. At the level of the heart chakra, it heals heartache and increases the ability to love. In the neck area, it improves communication, but at the same time it also helps to recognize when it is better to be silent. In the third eye, it opens the ability to see psychically.
On a mental level, Chrysocolla strengthens inner peace and balance. It also manifests itself beneficially by increasing self-confidence and receptivity. It increases personal strength and stimulates the manifestation of creative abilities. It helps overcome various phobias, suppresses negative moods and provides motivation to all who lack it.
Therapeutic Uses:
Chrysocolla treats arthritis, bone diseases, muscle cramps, digestive tract problems, ulcers, blood diseases and lung problems. It rids the liver, kidneys and intestines of toxic substances. It improves blood oxygenation and lung cell structures, increasing their capacity. It helps regenerate the pancreas, regulates insulin levels and maintains blood balance. It also strengthens muscles and relieves muscle spasms. Its soothing effect heals infections, especially of the throat and tonsils. It lowers blood pressure and heals burns. It relieves arthritis pain, strengthens the thyroid gland and has a beneficial effect on metabolism. It is an excellent stone for women, as it helps suppress menstrual cramps. At a higher level, it suppresses lymph.
Charoite is a stone of transformation. It is a soul-controlling crystal that helps overcome fear. It stimulates inner vision and spiritual insight and helps to cope with extraordinary changes on a spiritual level. To do this, it awakens the heart and crown chakras, cleanses the aura and awakens unconditional love in people. Charoite helps to change vibrations and connects its owner with a higher reality. At the same time, it has enormous healing power on the physical and emotional levels of the personality. It will help its wearer to accept the present moment as the best possible.
On a mental level, Charoite helps everyone to cope with "negative qualities" and gain recognition from others. It relieves its owner of a feeling of ingrained fear, while having a beneficial effect especially in overcoming resistance and acquiring the ability to see things from a broader perspective.
It encourages energetic and spontaneous action and at the same time can suppress stress and anxiety. It brings its owner into a state of relaxation. Charoite can be used to overcome various compulsions and obsessions. By balancing the crown chakra, it helps to face the feeling of alienation or frustration.
On a mental level, Charoite stimulates the ability to sharp observation and analysis, while at the same time helping to use them to make quick decisions. It acts as an ally for anyone who is forced to follow other people's opinions more often than their own.
In the spiritual world, this stone anchors the spiritual self to everyday reality. It encourages its owner to embark on a pilgrimage in the name of service to humanity. It can evoke clear, distinct visions of events from past lives. At the same time, it indicates ways to correct karmic predestination, both on a personal and collective level.
Therapeutic uses:
Charoite transforms negative energy into healing power, as well as changing the feeling of imbalance into a pleasant state of harmony. It provides energy to an exhausted body, harmonizes opposites and regulates blood pressure. It has a beneficial effect on the eyes, heart, liver and pancreas. It repairs liver damage caused by alcohol. It helps to get rid of cramps and pain. Charoite brings deep, hard sleep full of vivid dreams. It drives away insomnia and helps children fall asleep peacefully. It has a beneficial effect where the heart is threatened by poor function of the autonomic nervous system. It treats autism and a disturbed balance of opposites.
Fluorite is a crystal endowed with strong protective power, especially on the mental level. It will help to recognize when foreign influences are trying to manifest within us. At the same time, it can stop the effects of psychic manipulation and inappropriate mental influence. The fluorite crystal purifies and stabilizes the aura. It works extremely effectively against the harmful effects of computers and electromagnetic radiation. If placed correctly, it blocks geopathogenic zones. When used for healing, fluorite drives away negative energies and disorders of all kinds. It cleans, removes and reorganizes everything in the body that is not in absolute order. This is the best-functioning crystal when it comes to overcoming any disharmony in the body. Fluorite grounds and absorbs spiritual energy. Thanks to its action, you will be more sensitive to higher spiritual reality and you can also achieve faster spiritual awakening. At the same time, it helps to focus the mind and connect it with the universal consciousness of the universe. Fluorite provides stability to groups, uniting them to achieve a common goal.
At all levels, it is associated with progress and gives joy to everyday life. It is a stone that can handle chaos and bring the physical, emotional and mental plane of the personality back into harmony.
In mental life, fluorite helps overcome fixed patterns of behavior and gently opens the door to the subconscious. It allows suppressed feelings to surface, which allows you to reach the necessary decision. It increases self-confidence, skill, physical and mental coordination, and at the same time facilitates overcoming mental problems. Fluorite removes illusions and reveals the truth. It will help significantly if you need to act impartially and objectively.
Fluorite also helps with learning - it can organize and process information, because it connects the known with what we are currently learning. It increases concentration. It helps digest new information and increases the speed of thinking. On an emotional level, fluorite has a stabilizing effect. It helps you understand the influence that the mind, along with emotions, has on the body. It teaches the importance of balance in relationships. On a physical level, fluorite facilitates the maintenance of harmony and coordination.
Therapeutic uses:
Fluorite is an effective treatment that can deal with infections and various disorders. It has a beneficial effect on teeth, cells and bones and can also repair DNA damage. It effectively acts against viruses, especially in the form of an elixir. Fluorite can regenerate skin and mucous membranes, especially in the respiratory tract. It contributes to the healing of ulcers and wounds. It has a beneficial effect on colds, rhinitis and sinusitis. It improves the functioning of joints. It brings relief from arthritis, rheumatism and back pain. When you move it around the body towards the heart, it relieves pain. It also helps with pain associated with diseases of the nervous system. It heals the skin, removing stains and wrinkles. It can be used during dental procedures. Fluorite contributes to the restoration of sexual pleasure.
Green fluorite grounds excess energy, heals emotional trauma and treats infections. It is extremely effective in absorbing negative energies from the surrounding environment. It brings information from the subconscious and releases the flow of intuition. It effectively cleanses the chakras and soul, from where it removes outdated attitudes and opinions. It helps with stomach problems and intestinal cramps.
Apache Tear – Obsidian is a form of black obsidian, but has much more subtle effects. It also stops negative influences, but it does so slowly that they can be gradually transformed. Apache Tear works great at absorbing negative energy and protecting the aura. It grounds and cleanses the earth chakra. The stone got its name from the belief that it sheds tears during times of sadness and regret. It soothes regret, provides a deeper look at the causes of unrest and offers relief from long-standing resentment. It is a stone that supports analytical skills and teaches forgiveness. Apache Tear removes the boundaries that limit people and supports spontaneous behavior.
Therapeutic Uses:
Improves the storage of vitamins C and D, removes toxic substances from the body and helps eliminate muscle spasms.
In the central part of the work is the planet - Brown crystal which accompanies souls.

Brown crystal is one of the most effective grounding and anchoring stones. At the same time, it can increase vibrations during meditation. It is a protective stone with a strong connection to the earth and base chakras. It is also an excellent mineral against stress. It helps to overcome difficult situations calmly and with balance. It gives strength when making decisions.
Grounding spiritual energy and gently neutralizing negative vibrations, Brown crystal banishes geopathogenic stress, absorbs electromagnetic smog, and aids in elimination and detoxification on all levels. It brings positive vibrations that fill the surrounding space. Brown crystal teaches us how to say goodbye to everything that no longer serves its purpose. It can be used to protect the earth chakra under your feet and to ground it if the earth energy is disturbed in this area. Mentally, Brown crystal brings relief from fear, dispels depression, and induces a state of emotional calm. It suppresses suicidal tendencies and the ambivalence caused by life in the current incarnation. It helps to accept the physical body and its sexual nature. It increases masculine strength and cleanses the base chakra, allowing passion and desire to develop naturally. Brown crystal crystal suppresses nightmares and clarifies the meaning of dreams. If it comes into contact with negative emotions, it can gently and sensitively disperse them.
Mentally, it supports emotional, pragmatic thinking. It can be used in oracle divination, when you can gain clear insight into the inside of things and at the same time drive away fear. The stone eliminates clashes of opposites, increases concentration and suppresses communication problems. It allows the transition of consciousness between alpha and beta levels and helps cleanse the mind after meditation.
Since Brown crystal is often naturally irradiated, it works great in treatments associated with radioactivity or chemotherapy. With the help of záhneda, you can achieve resistance to stress. The crystal also brings pain relief.
Brown crystal is particularly effective in treating the abdomen, hips and legs. It brings relief from pain - including headaches - and benefits the reproductive organs, muscles, nervous tissues and heart. Brown crystal suppresses spasms, strengthens the back and increases the resistance of the nervous system. This is a stone that helps deposit minerals and regulates fluid balance in the body.
To his left is a titanized crystal of a purple nature, like the crown of a painting in the colors of spirituality.

On the right side in the middle and at the top is Rose Quartz.
Rose Quartz is a stone of unconditional love and infinite peace. It is one of the most important crystals for the heart and heart chakra. It brings lessons about the true nature of love. It cleanses and opens the heart on all levels. It brings inner healing and self-love into it. It has a calming effect. It will serve you well in moments of trauma or crisis.
If you want to attract love to yourself, you don't have to look any further than Rose Quartz. When you place it next to your bed or in the relationship corner of your apartment, it will attract love and new relationships to you so effectively that you will often need an amethyst to soften its effect a little.
It restores trust and harmony in existing relationships and encourages expressions of selfless love.
Rose Quartz removes negative energies and replaces them with loving vibrations. It strengthens empathy and sensitivity. It helps to accept the inevitability of change. This is an excellent stone for overcoming midlife crises. Holding Rose Quartz in your hand increases your hope for positive acceptance. The stone can also remind you of your intentions. This beautiful crystal brings sensitivity to all things beautiful.
Rose quartz is the best healer of emotions. It can search for unrequited feelings and heartaches and then transform dysfunctional and useless emotional states. It heals inner pain and suffering. If you have not yet been able to accept love, Rose quartz will open your heart. If you have loved and lost love, it will relieve your sadness. Rose quartz will teach you how to love yourself and breathe new life into you if you think that no one can love you. You will not be able to accept the love of another person until you can love yourself. This stone leads to self-forgiveness and inspires self-confidence associated with recognizing your own worth.
Therapeutic uses:
Rose quartz strengthens the heart and circulatory system and removes impurities from body fluids. When placed on the baby gland, it can help with problems located in the chest or lungs. It heals the kidneys and adrenal glands. It removes dizziness and is said to increase fertility. This stone, or its elixir, heals burns and blisters and smoothes the skin. It helps with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases and senile dementia.
In the lower right corner there is a small angel "Baby", created from Citrine, Crystal, Carnelian, Olivine, Aquamarine.

Citrine works as an effective purifier and regenerator. As a stone that stores solar energy, it is an extremely beneficial crystal. It sells heat, energy to its owner and greatly increases his creative abilities. It is one of the crystals that never needs cleaning. It absorbs, transforms, disperses and grounds negative energies, thanks to which it has an extraordinary protective effect on the environment in which its owner moves. Citrine brings energy to all levels of life. As a protector of the aura, it works as an early warning system, thus always providing its wearer with enough time to take action for their own defense. It can also cleanse the chakras - especially the solar plexus chakra and the navel. It activates the crown chakra and strengthens intuition. Citrine also cleanses the higher levels of the personality and brings them into balance with the lower physical body.
It is one of the stones of abundance. This dynamic stone teaches you how to attract wealth and prosperity to yourself along with success and all the good and pleasant things the world has to offer. Citrine is a happy, generous stone that will encourage you to share everything - but at the same time it will help you live in abundance. It is endowed with the power to provide happiness to everyone who owns it. Melancholy and negative emotions have no place near it. It is a stone that will serve very well in settling relationships in groups or in a family where disputes reign.On a mental level, Citrine helps us to accept ourselves as we are. At the same time, it gives self-confidence and suppresses self-destructive tendencies. It strengthens individuality, increases motivation, stimulates creative abilities and self-expression. Thanks to this crystal, you will not be so oversensitive - especially to criticism from others. At the same time, you will gain the ability to be constructively critical. Citrine helps develop positive attitudes, look optimistically to the future, and move forward with the flow of time instead of looking back. Thanks to this stone, you can enjoy learning new things, while being able to explore every possibility until you find the best possible solution.Citrine strengthens concentration and gives the mind new strength. It works great for overcoming depression, fears and phobias. Citrine establishes a sense of inner peace, thanks to which new knowledge and wisdom find their way into your mind. It helps to digest new information, analyze the situation and choose a positive direction for further action. It is a stone that awakens the higher mind. If you wear a pendant with Citrine, you will overcome problems with verbally expressing your thoughts and feelings.
On the emotional level, Citrine brings pleasure and joy to life. It helps to get rid of negative qualities, fears and annoying feelings hidden in the depths of the personality. It will help to overcome the fear of responsibility and stop the manifestations of anger. This crystal will also help you swim in the flow of your own emotions and find emotional balance.
Citrine brings energy and new strength to the physical body. It significantly helps people who are particularly sensitive to the state of the environment and the influences of their surroundings.
Therapeutic uses:
Citrine is an excellent stone for restoring lost strength and energy. It is beneficial for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and for restoring normal degenerative disorders. Citrine stimulates digestion, the spleen and the pancreas. It fights infections in the kidneys and bladder. It helps with eye problems, promotes blood circulation, rids the blood of toxic substances, stimulates the activity of the pituitary gland and balances the thyroid gland. It helps strengthen the nerves. Citrine also helps get rid of everything harmful - it is beneficial for constipation and works on cellulite. As an elixir, it is beneficial for menstrual problems and some symptoms associated with menopause, where it balances individual hormones and drives away fatigue.
Carnelian will ground you and anchor you in the current reality. It is a stabilizing stone with high energy. It perfectly restores vitality, motivation and effectively stimulates creative abilities. Suitable for dramatic situations. It can cleanse other stones.
Psychologically, carnelian gives the ability to cope with the course of the life cycle and drives away the fear of death. In ancient times, it was used to protect the dead on their journey to the afterlife. It gives courage, brings a positive outlook on life, dispels apathy and motivates for success in business and other areas. Carnelian is useful in overcoming addictions of all kinds. This stone will help you gain faith in yourself as well as in what you perceive around you. It helps to penetrate to the very roots of what makes your life unpleasant and gives you the strength to act persistently.
Mentally, carnelian improves the ability to analyze and brings a clearer perception of the world around you.
During meditation, it removes distracting thoughts and helps to tune daydreaming into everyday reality. It brings sharper concentration and drives away mental apathy. In the emotional sphere, the stone is a powerful protector against envy, anger and malice - whether your own or that of other people. It calms anger and prevents the emergence of negative emotions, replacing them with love for life.
Therapeutic uses:
Carnelian is full of life force and vitality. It stimulates metabolism. It activates the base chakra, affects the female reproductive organs and increases fertility. It is a stone that can overcome frigidity and impotence, treats rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia and depression - especially those that occur in later life. It regulates body fluids and kidney function. It accelerates the healing of bones and tendons. It helps improve blood clotting. Carnelian contributes to better absorption of minerals and vitamins. It ensures good blood circulation to individual organs and tissues.
Olivine can keep a person away from evil spirits. It is a stone that protects the human aura. This crystal is an effective purifier. It reveals the presence of toxic substances at all levels and neutralizes them. It cleanses the subtle higher and physical body as well as the mind. It opens, purifies and activates the heart chakra together with the solar plexus chakra. It releases the old burden that a person carries on the path of life. It also removes old problems, feelings of guilt or obsession.
Olivine brings the knowledge that clinging to people or the past does not bring anything good. At the same time, it advises how to detach yourself from external influences and how to gain your own higher energy as a guide in life.
This stone reveals negative structures and old vibrations, thereby freeing up access to new frequencies. If you are engaged in mental work, it will help you move forward quickly. This clairvoyant stone helps you understand your own destiny and the spiritual meaning of life. It is especially effective for healers.In the mental life, peridot suppresses jealousy, regret and anger. At the same time, it can eliminate stress. It increases self-confidence and the ability to assert yourself without aggressive action. Olivine, which motivates you to achieve further growth, helps to bring about necessary changes. It facilitates a look back into the past, where it draws attention to the gifts you have received in the form of previous experiences. At the same time, it indicates how you can forgive yourself. It is a stone that increases the clarity of thoughts, their clarity and overall well-being. It is attuned to the reception of spiritual truth and regulates the course of life cycles.On a mental level, Olivine sharpens the mind and opens it to new levels of consciousness. It prevents the emergence of lethargy and draws attention to everything that you have (whether consciously or subconsciously) rejected. With the help of Olivine, you can admit your mistakes and then move on. It will help you accept responsibility for your own life, especially if you believed that everything was always someone else's fault. Under the influence of Olivine, previously problematic relationships can significantly improve.
Medicinal Uses
Olivine has a calming effect. It heals and regenerates tissues. It strengthens metabolism and has a beneficial effect on the skin. It helps the heart, thyroid gland, lungs, bladder, spleen and digestive tract. It also heals ulcers, strengthens eyesight. When placed on the abdomen, it helps with childbirth because it strengthens muscle contractions and at the same time relieves pain. Its energy corrects bipolar disorder and helps overcome hypochondria.
Aquamarine is a stone symbolizing courage. Its calming energy suppresses stress and calms the mind. It brings harmony to its surroundings and protects it from harmful pollution. In ancient times, it was believed that it could confront the powers of darkness and at the same time gain the favor of the spirits of light. Sailors wore it as a talisman against drowning.
On the mental plane, aquamarine is spiritually related to sensitive people. It has the ability to evoke tolerance in others. It overcomes prejudices and provides support to all responsible individuals. It encourages taking responsibility for one's own destiny. It helps to form a persistent, honest and dynamic personality. It can break old self-defense programming. Aquamarine calms the mind and removes inappropriate thoughts from it. It filters information flowing into the brain, improves perception, sharpens the intellect and clarifies real circumstances in moments of confusion. Due to its ability to bring things to the necessary end, aquamarine is a suitable assistant in closing matters on all levels. It clears blocked communication and improves self-expression. It is a stone that helps to understand hidden emotional states and at the same time perceives our feelings. It alleviates fears and increases sensitivity and receptivity. On the spiritual level, aquamarine sharpens intuition and opens the way to clairvoyance. A great stone for meditation, it induces higher states of consciousness and spiritual awareness. It encourages its owner to serve the benefit of humanity. Aquamarine creates a protective shield for the aura and balances the chakras. It clears the throat chakra and maintains communication with higher planes. It also helps to maintain harmony between the physical and spiritual bodies.
Therapeutic Uses:
Aquamarine is good for treating neck pain, swollen glands, and thyroid problems. It balances the pituitary and thyroid glands, which regulate hormones and growth. This stone also has a general effect on the muscles. It strengthens the organs responsible for cleansing the body. It is beneficial for the eyes, jaws, teeth, and stomach. It works successfully against nearsightedness and farsightedness and calms overactive immune system reactions. It also helps with autoimmune diseases such as hay fever.
Little angel with a tip of Amethyst, Lapis lazuli, Calcite, Garnet, Carnelian, Green Tourmaline, Kunzite, Selenite, Aquamarine, Crystal.

Kunzite is an extremely spiritual stone with high vibrations. It awakens the heart center to activity and evokes unconditional love. It awakens thoughts leading to love and mutual communication. It radiates peace and connects you with universal cosmic love. Kunzite induces deep and focused meditative states. It is very beneficial for anyone who finds that they can only immerse themselves in meditation with problems. At the same time, it increases creative abilities. Kunzite leads to humility and increases the willingness to serve others. It is a protective stone that can take care of both the individual and the entire surrounding environment. It can disperse everything negative. It serves as a shield for the aura, protecting it from unwanted energies. It creates a protective screen around it. It disperses attached entities and the mental forces that emanate from them. It brings its owner the ability to be self-sufficient and protected, even in the midst of a large crowd. Kunzite strengthens the energy field around the body. On a mental level, it strengthens the ability to express oneself. It allows thoughts and feelings to be expressed freely. It removes obstacles from the path and helps to get used to the pressures of life. It can help to uncover previously blocked memories. It works as an effective healing stone for those who have had to grow up too quickly. It restores their faith and innocence. It increases the level of tolerance towards themselves and others. Kunzite helps to reduce stress that causes anxiety. On a mental level, it develops the ability to see along with the art of constructive criticism. It has the power to connect reason, intuition and inspiration. Kunzite can be used as an aid to purify the remains of old feelings. It frees from old emotions and heals heartache, especially those that come from past lives. It helps to suppress the resistance of others. The ability to improve mood helps in moments of depression stemming from emotional problems. It is excellent in relieving panic attacks. Spiritually, Kunzite activates the heart chakra and aligns it with the throat and third eye. On a physical level, it can be used to block geopathogenic stress, electromagnetic radiation.
Therapeutic uses:
This is a stone that strengthens the circulatory system and heart muscle. It favorably regulates conditions affecting the functioning of the nerves. It relieves epilepsy and joint pain. It can neutralize the effects of anesthesia and stimulates the immune system. Kunzite contains lithium, which makes it beneficial for psychological problems and depression, especially when used as an elixir. Kunzite helps the physical body recover from the effects of previous emotional stress. It can be used by people practicing radionics, for whom the stone represents a patient who is being treated remotely.
On the lower right side is the Artshamagus seal of originality, which confirms the originality and effect of the work. It is surrounded by Kyanite - Disthen, Charoite, Amazonite.

Amazonite has an admirable filtering ability. On the physical level, it blocks geopathogenic zones, absorbs microwave and mobile phone radiation. It also protects against electromagnetic pollution of the environment. We should place it between ourselves and the source of electromagnetic radiation. On the mental level, it filters information passing through the brain and combines it with the action of intuition. It is an extremely calming stone. It has a calming effect on the brain and nervous system and can connect the physical body with the etheric. It helps maintain a favorable state of health. It keeps male and female energy and individual personality levels in balance. On the emotional level, Amazonite heals emotional traumas and helps reduce fears and fears. It removes negative energies and anger.
In the spiritual realm, the Amazonite elixir is extremely beneficial for all levels of consciousness. The stone itself helps in experiencing manifestations of universal all-encompassing love.
Therapeutic Uses: Amazonite heals and opens the heart and throat chakras, helping to develop loving communication. It also opens the third eye and increases intuition. The stone disperses negative energies and releases blocks in the nervous system. It is beneficial in the treatment of osteoporosis, tooth decay, calcium deficiency. It helps to balance the metabolism disrupted by the above problems. Amazonite also brings relief in the case of muscle cramps. An important property is the ability to protect against health risks resulting from the use of microwaves and other sources of electromagnetic smog.
Galactic love returns to us the values of life, awareness, action, behavior towards ourselves and our Self and others, especially towards our children of our future.
We should create values that fulfill us and make us and our surroundings happy.
This means that I work where I enjoy it and where I can develop, fulfill my dream, feelings and perceptions. We should not stay at work for the purpose of earning money and feeling that we are someone. We should put into our works, or rather into our work the energy of love, positive thoughts and a sense of satisfaction. To create a work - Love from the feeling that I will please myself and those around me, for the purpose of helping and exchanging. The most important thing is to realize our essence of "Being". If we realize that we are to be love and unconditional love, then we make the people around us happy and help them and do not harm them. We can give up on a loved one when we see that they are happy and have chosen a different direction. We can let go of a loved one if we are constantly causing them health problems, harming them with mRNA (because I did not listen to my Self). We cannot keep what does not belong to us. In a relationship, we influence each other, manipulate, blackmail, condition, threaten and do not understand that what we do, we will have to live through. Here, quantum duality works by acting, acting, watching, we act on our duality in a completely different place at a given moment. Time is a relative concept. What is to come to us will come only when we love ourselves, or rather ourselves, and do not desire another person. If we desire a loved one and do not understand, we push the desire ahead of us, because we live in the future and do not live in the present moment. Imagine a stretched bow, a string that you hold, on which there is an arrow. You constantly focus the energy and power of thoughts on the string. If I give up the idea of desire and understand that I do not need it, then I have released the arrow into the target. In this case, I no longer hold it, I do not "push in front of me" and do not tension the bow. In this case, the universe will give it to me, but be careful, again, calculation does not work. It must be internally from the heart and out of love that I have given up the idea, the desire. What is important is awareness, I know nothing and I do not want anything, let the "Will of God" - my Self - spirit happen. Those who always want new things, better and are always dissatisfied, it does not fill them with happiness after achieving the goal, will never be satisfied, because they are in a vicious circle of ego and greed. We get a feeling of satisfaction if we make the other person happy and not by setting a goal and then it stops entertaining us and we want another. A warm feeling in the soul, love, a smile, a look into the eyes - into the soul, a touch, a hug, merging into each other is an irreplaceable feeling and that is why we need to live honestly, so that I can look in the mirror and say to myself, I am the most beautiful - the most beautiful and the most honest - the most honest, I am love. Then I can experience pure beautiful love and not deceive myself and others. With respect and humility, kindness, attention, I will maintain it, cultivate and pamper it.
Stop, find time for yourself and look into your soul - conscience. Free your mind and allow the universe to send me patterns. Let us be guided by the advisors of the universe and the architects of love and light (meditation) – At the same time, I get rid of thoughts that I no longer need – in a way that we ignore them and have an attitude that they do not belong to us, in which case I do not think about it – I do not pay attention to it and do not withdraw into the vicious circle of the ego and the mind. In this case, I do a high cleansing.
It is not about looking for yourself and not being in a place of feeling your frequency of Being. It is an elixir - prana - life about connecting with yourself and the universe, eternity and the present moment. To create a release for the reception of prana - energy, cleansing the spirit, the etheric body, which will affect the physical body and harmonize breathing - the basis of life. To stop - to live - not to be in a constant rush, where we lose our time and the essence of Being. "stop brothers".
Time, when we are happy, flies at the speed of light, if we are troubled and suffering, it slows down. Time is a quantity that is the value of our Being, that is why they stole it from us and took away humanity from life, which is to raise our children, who will be our future. Caress, praise, reward, motivation, school through play with the help of a smile and caress of the soul have disappeared. We raise stressed children, aggressive and full of fears, psychological pressures at home and at school. Burned out children with the substance mRNA have taken away the memory of children and teachers, who do not trust themselves and are afraid to tell the truth. If a child sees injustice and is not afraid to tell the teacher that he is acting unjustly and wrongly, because he was raised in truth, purity and love, then the teacher tells the child not to worry about it, because he does not have a relevant answer, for his actions and conscience, he just sat on his victim - the student.
In schools without love, affection, peace, comfort, security, understanding (find support) and examples of decency and respect, children are raised and taught today in fear and proving that they are stupid, incapable and thinking that if I have a degree, I am someone, I have power and I am an authority.
A degree does not give wisdom, only knowledge from a certain field based on an incomplete curriculum and relative truth, it does not give the right to elevate oneself above others.
I do not judge and do not condemn. I must be in neutrality and love, understanding without attack and negative emotions.
A smile, love will alleviate all pain and suffering, caress and emotion. Even the universe is not perfect.
It is all a misunderstanding of oneself, a lack of love from parents, whom we, as souls, chose for a test - changes in behavior (not to copy the actions of parents, but to learn and make a change to love and emotion). Misunderstanding is itself destructive. We teach children based on stress, fears, the arrogance of ego and power, the principle of falling h...a. (Children cause themselves harm, feelings of inferiority, incompetence and burnout)
We are to be role models and support with love, justice.
The previous era raised weak individuals, that is why the situation is the way it is now. Parents gave everything to their children without effort, a sense of merit and finding values, and manipulated and led them. They willingly arranged everything for them, even a title based on ego and power, the principle of authority and fear. They forgot to give them humanity, love and peace of mind.
Now the vaccinated have their DNA altered and damaged by mRNA and cannot give love and light because their heart pumps fast. They have degraded blood that cannot oxygenate the organs and is full of plastics and graphene. With high blood pressure, they mechanically damage the walls of veins, arteries and the aorta. The reason is nanobots and spike proteins that cut their walls. Inflammation occurs, followed by swelling and thrombosis, or gangrene. People die from stroke and cardiac arrest. Those who do not know about it yet, but also know and do not want to admit it, are in constant tension and nervousness, ready for a fight - attack and aggression, like when you take a supportive substance that fills your receptors that do not transmit fatigue and you go to full performance. Such behavior of the aggressor provokes the individual and he gives him his energy through his reaction. When enough plastics, nanobots, toxins and especially parasites from bugs and nanoparasites are collected from the air and food, all about the size of nanometers, which create chains, balls and they clog the cardiovascular and endocrine systems.
Their time will come - death, their soul belongs to the dark, because they sold their soul, did not listen to their Self.
With the frequency of the 5G network, they can eliminate individuals based on the number of vaccines, or by reporting a newly created nanobot, obtained by contact, food, sexuality, inhalation, etc. in the human body, according to GPS location and IP address.
With the 5G network, they can control the frequency of the frequency and the place of harm. (On one day, there were pleas for help from many affected individuals who had the same symptoms in different parts of the world. A week later, the same ones had the same symptoms in a different part of the body). Individual energy nodes have their own frequencies, namely:
963 Hz - crown chakra Unawareness of the essence of being - the path of the soul.
852 Hz - 3rd eye Not listening to your self.
741 Hz - throat chakra Fear of speaking or communicating.
639 Hz - heart chakra Without self-love and not knowing how to forgive.
528 Hz - solar plexus The struggle of the soul and ego - I can't get through life.
417 Hz - sacral chakra Frustration from the past - underestimating myself.
396 Hz - base chakra Fear of death.
These emotions are misunderstandings and the causes of diseases and acidification of the body.
The powerful created false information that they spread as advertising for the "sheep" based on the spread of a similar disease with symptoms of Ebola, which causes internal bleeding. Based on this, they wanted to create a new epidemic, which was brought by foreigners in the summer of 2024.
They deliberately spread fear about the epidemic - the goal was to imprison people and restrict them, to inject them with another mRNA substance. The previous genocide served the purpose of installing a 5G network, relocating military equipment, kidnapping children and human organs.
They moved everything from Ukraine to a neighboring country. These were, among other things, chemical laboratories and incubators for children for the "Elite" to produce Adrenochrome. Adrenochrome is a substance (hormone) taken during torture of people and is widely known in high circles and groups that many know under the name Global Criminal Syndicate.
Our most precious asset - We waste time with employment, as cheap labor and overall with a system of control, exploitation, conditions, manipulation with worthless paper (money without cover, many times taxed at least 2x) adjusted according to the needs of the powerful.
How they deprive us of our lives and precious time. They will repeatedly invent propaganda created by the media using advertisements, which has no efficiency and meaning and there will always be another and better "technology - vision" e.g. photovoltaics, which is supposed to reduce costs, but the opposite is true. It has high implementation costs with EU subsidies, and then through chemtrails they cover the sun, making lines in the sky that grow and aerosols, full of data and nanobots, you pay more for energy without the sun, you are sick, you do not have vitamin D and therefore hormones that support the immune system.
Buy a UV light 455nm - 480nm. You can sunbathe at home without lying on a sunbed in a solarium, where an individual with mRNA substance was lying.
Restriction of mobility, speed, etc. Electric cars to limit movement and immediate inoperability when electricity is not supplied to the network, e.g. war. Not to mention the reduction in battery capacity in winter conditions, the "courier" will not come in winter, they gave him an ecological car that lost its normal capacity because it was freezing.
Electric car - a battery, the production of which is more unecological and resource-intensive than the invented propaganda of CO2 - greens and people who are manipulated, controlled, guided by advertising and do not think rationally. They proudly give themselves a green license plate, that I am ignorant, they were deceived, I will have benefits without restrictions, like with vaccination.
Quickly ban diesel engines, because they are easily converted to hydrogen, economical and environmentally friendly with high durability, which is not desirable. In the event of flooding, such a car is quickly restored and is more usable than an electric car. (Water is conductive and creates a short circuit) Ships and planes that produce the most CO2 will not be banned and will not limit business.
Just buy and spend your time.
Nature will make things right, water is cleansing. (tilt of the earth - change of magnetic polarity)
They are only powerful as long as we listen to them and fear them, so they constantly scare us, keep us busy and hinder us, lie, provoke war, so that we are obedient sheep and going to slaughter, for sure they will accelerate our departure with mRNA vaccine.
video about crimes against humanity during the pandemic
Microbiologist Sucharit Bhakdi - important information about mRNA vaccines from a German microbiologist of Thai origin. Effect of the functionality of modern vaccines. (video is in German)

They have created technologies to control people and change DNA and are slowly turning people into biorobots. Not just through fear of life, but through action and biological warfare. They are also creating a change in us in the pituitary gland - the 3rd eye and the brain through 5G networks and nanotechnology that we inhale. They are creating sudden deaths.

Nanotechnology: The Invisible Revolution That Will Change the World?</p>
Pharmacy and Corruption, a Side Effect of All Vaccines for Children and Adults.

Think about the testimonies of doctors who did not get the mRNA vaccine and made money from vaccination and persuading people. Now that people know that they knowingly harmed them, listened to authorities and profited from it. How can such a doctor return to service?
Who will trust them? No one, never again. Think about your children and their health and lives.
Prominent doctor says they were ordered to intentionally kill patients using ventilators!

It's a blast! Cardiac surgeon Fischer revealed the shocking secret of Visolajský!
Energy, which is free here and everywhere, is limited by a handful of "Powerful" individuals who think they are superhuman.
There is a lot of energy and there are many patents to make life easier. The "Powerful" have bought and put in the vault everything that would threaten their domination and exploitation with money that has no value, so they will invent another trap for you. But first they will force you to buy gold and silver, because they have long known that there are new deposits in China and all over the world, just as diamonds are limited when you buy them with money that has robbed you of time. Then the value of gold and silver will fall and you will lose your time. In times of crisis and war, people now live in the illusion that they will buy bread with gold. They are already resigned to the fact that gold will have no value.
The most important thing for life is water and the energy of the Universe, which Artshamag has.
It can help and heal the awakened and help reduce sedimentation for everyone.
They will keep you in the illusion that you will be rich. They constantly laugh at you, how you are like sheep, how they control you, how they digest you with food, they are the players who deal cards and change the rules on the fly from the USA to the EU, which they broke, weakened, indebted and deprived of independence, dragged into war against the Slavs, destroyed cheap oil, gas and uranium. They deprived us of car factories, which today cannot compete with China. They moved in foreigners - "refugees" who have no love and respect for our values and history. They have no manners, they have a different mentality and are full of parasites from their country, to which our organism has no immunity.
Sheep - slaves are those who act in their games and are controlled by the media, which for money will publish anything that is not verified, true, or in love, not to mention respect and honesty.
Rivalry, aggression, attack, anger, just to tease and be proud of myself, how impudent, arrogant and popular I am, create anger, tension to break the Slavs, create war, assassination, hatred, publicly and illegally and false data only for the purpose of destroying, humiliating, controlling, earning and scaring, scaring and scaring "war" "end of the world", CO2, UFO, DRONES.
Many people live by the practice of visualization and many people imagine abundance, indulgence, money and property, if he succeeds and gets what he worked for, it does not mean that he deserved it. It is a debt - a trap, energy from the other side, which will take its toll. Therefore, some "therapists" who earn by deceiving others, give them hope and take their time and money, create an illusion for them, which is a tool for their psychological, financial "blocks", influencing the path of life, because roasted pigeons will not fall into anyone's mouth without work. Everything must be in accordance with love and God's plan for the path of the soul.
They do not give them a reason or. correct information why this is happening to them, and only so that they repeatedly come back, pay and waste their life and precious time.
Here it is necessary to realize the meaning of all this. All the pitfalls that we have here after birth on Earth are a test. The temptations are great.
Imagine that you are a soul that is to be born and overcome your life test, choose your parents their DNA - health problems based on misunderstanding of actions and behavior.
Thus we understood the meaning of life. Each soul must go through each sign in a combination of animal and annual sign. It is an important school of character, skill and humility to understand the principle of behavior and feedback of the Universe, based on our characters and actions. Find humility, wisdom, love and light, stop rushing into the unknown after the values of capitalism and harm and competition, where there is a powerful individual and misery at the expense of love for the feeling of Ego, titles that "rubberize the brain" and take life time and peasant common sense, by convincing yourself how important it is to be someone to have your position - power - income, bribes, for a better life from impure values and a bad conscience, honesty, sincerity of character and Those who are only at the beginning of their journey of past lives and the present, cannot be awakened and cannot perceive these and the previous words in the work, especially at the end of both works about awareness of the state and understanding.
The rest of us who know that in proverbs and fairy tales, old wisdom, verses and history - which they rewrite, there is truth.
We are guided by intuition, telepathy and perception and are led to love and help others. Helping the sheep who have lost their way and have been swept away by the crowd.
That we carry God within us, that it is our Self, that God's mills grind slowly but surely.
The year 2025 with the energy of the number 9 and the symbolism of the year of the snake represents an important turning point.
The energy of the snake brings the opportunity to let go of everything that hinders us and open ourselves to new beginnings. To make the most of the energy of the number 9, it is important that we focus on completing unfinished tasks and letting go of what hinders our growth.
Nine means the final division of souls and awareness of one's direction.
We will unite and create a center for helping children and their future for the right to grow up in love and purity. We will cleanse the sentient and awakened. We will create the independence of the awakened.
God will arrange for those who listen to their Self to survive - the Awakened Slavs.
Today's status: We have long been on the path of changing the magnetic poles to 90 °, the North Pole will become the Caribbean region. (Where it is now warm, it will be cold and vice versa). You can slowly observe this state, because we are currently at 45 °. For this reason, earthquakes, landslides and ocean leakage are setting up.
Water purification, thermo-change of the planet, change of the magnetic poles and axis of the earth. Disintegration and shift of tectonic plates - landslide change of the center of gravity. Where once there was a big water, it comes bigger and bigger because of logging - compaction ("trampling" by heavy machinery) of the earth, creation of roads and canals draining water, interruption of capillaries in mountains and fields. Leakage of water through interrupted capillaries, which escape into the oceans and create floods and change the center of gravity of the earth. At the same time, instead of evaporation by the action of the sun, vapors are not created in the atmosphere and the cycle of a healthy planet, but warm air is created, which creates warming and the greenhouse effect, not CO2. It dries out the soil and groundwater disappears, landslides and floods occur. Earthquakes and volcanic activity. Change of climate and location, climate change due to large volcanoes, solar eclipses - winter and cold toxic fumes. Everything happens according to merit, the demon takes what is his.
Slovakia will be subtropics, conditions for the survival of the sentient Slavs, whom the powerful fear. They are not robots, nor stupid, and they know that there are other values, such as career and position in society and earning at the expense of the quality of life of others (mRNA).
Climate error
Presented reality

Near future, a 90° shift of the North Pole and the North Magnetic Pole in the same plane. Where it is warm, it will be cold and vice versa.

The hope of a new world of humanity and a return to the values of love, peace and tranquility.
Coexistence in love and harmony. Self-awareness without a sense of inferiority and frustration. We are all unique. We are hardworking and resourceful.
Under socialism, we were independent and produced everything: Ships, cars, airplanes, electronics, trains, heavy metallurgy, food industry of healthy products, etc. We had the healthiest food. Not Western waste full of toxins and preservatives, dyes, poisons, plastics and parasites from bugs.
DNA damage

Prioritizing trade, business at the expense of the health and lives of our children and others.
Sugar, cholesterol, they lied to have sick people, commission from medicines and mortality.
How sugar changed the world
The lie about bad cholesterol – MUDr. David Frej
Motivations of young US students to take out student loans, you will have a degree, money, power and you will be an authority. (They don't even have a job to pay off the debt) Currently, UFOs and Drones are being drawn to the attention of the US so that people don't think about the "safety" policy of the mRNA vaccine and Russia's dominance by introducing the indestructible Oreshnikov missile, rapid climate change, and the collapse of the dollar - BRIX.
Slavs and all awakened need to increase the frequency of Being and therefore Artšamag decided to give out love, light, hope, save souls and help everyone, even vaccinated - infected with mRNA.
With the energy of the universe, unconditional love, voice frequency, sound frequency, frequency and wavelength of light, energy in thought and word, abilities to feel and perceive acidification in hands and aura. Created quantum technology of crystals and laser light of different wavelengths in nm, UV and color spectrum technology, static discharges, minerals, magnetism, change - deacidification. Setting energy nodes - chakras, replenishment with pranic energy. Cleansing of the etheric body and soul. Own drinking enlightened water (possibility to program) and an energy pyramid in the shape of a tear - humility = Sanctuary. All this is supported by many years of 10 years of experience. Possibility of help even remotely.
Video increases the frequency of Being
Artshamag, the bearer of the energy of light and love of the universe.